
Jan 6, 2012

Libyan Liberation Front News [06.01.2012.]

(1) Four (4) displaced Tawhorgha children died of frost in Benghazi, the news was send to the green army an Arab Imam from Benghazi, he said camps for displaced people from Tawhorgha have very poor hygience, sanitation and basic necessities of life in Garyounis and other places of Libya. We urge people to campaign for contributions, ask their governments to train the people of Tawhorgha in combat to defend themselves, territorial integrity, indegenous, tribal people of the earth, all decent people from all walks of life need to assist displaced of Tawhorgha, they are being forcefully chased away by Misrata guerrillas and militia, while bring in foreign Jewish to take over black people's houses. It's the repetition of massacres of Rwanda in Tawhorgha Libya, often the same imperialist propaganda that comes with lynch mobs under the banner of democracy finding itself into Libya, they killed and purged many ethnic people in Ivory coast, Libya has become a new point of bloody imperialist sport.

(2) Misrata mercenaries continue to terrorize displaced people inside Tripoli, looting the small amount of money given to the displaced people by green army via Zentan brigades in Tripoli, $15 000 was given to families who lost every life supporting necessities, so they can buy grocery, clothes, food and mattresses or relocate, the money given since the 2nd of January 2012 invited gangs of Misrata brigades, they start going house to house searching Tawhorgha residents in campas around Tripoli, those who resisted were subject to beating, shooting with live bullets, dismemberment, torture and 61 people have been hospitalized from such wounds.

(3) Green Army has send teams of engineering battalion to start immediate repairs on the man made river in areas that have been captured by the green army, the immediate priority is to restore fresh water, electricity to affected families and residents of Tripoli. It's a matter of urgency that water be restored to many residents of Tripoli, rebels use food, water, electricity and gasoline as weapon to control masses, basic services are denied to residents that do not comply with rebel activity, rebels have started charging people electricty and water bills, in many circumstances turning houses that are not damaged into expensive rental areas beyond the reach of ordinary Libyans, rebels are charging 2000 LD per month to other rebels for renting houses and rooms of displaced people.

(4) Two blasts shook Tripoli last night towards the airport road, and another blast in Bab Azizia, killings, random shootings have become a common occurrence in Tripoli, it's an open secret.

(5) In a statement to NTC, Sabha rebels have confirmed that Southern Libya is not under the control of rebels and they called NTC Tripoli for military assistance.

(6) Armed clashes between rebels and free Sirte patriotic forces killed 20 rebels last night, clashes are still continuing.

(7) The continued suffering of Libyan people in extreme cold weather, the inaccessibility of water and electricity to many neighborhoods inside the city with constant explosions makes the work of green Libyan engineers much tougher.

That is for Libya today.