
Jan 24, 2012

Report Libya: NTC doesn't control the situation in Libya! [24.01.2012.]

#Libya -Urgent and very serious- I hope to post on all the Liberal News

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Government of Keeb has held several meetings and consultations with the officials of the #Google company.
The purpose of these meetings is the establishment of aspiring "e-government in Libya".
(Unofficialy they plan to erase archives about martyr Muammar Gaddafi)
 To all of you, if you have a Hard Disk, it is necessary to download any data, videos etc you come across and which might be of relevance to the future generations.

By Libya S.O.S
It is not fair that all the western media is reporting only about Bani Walid, like there are no fights and uprising in other regions. 
It seems that press is orchestrated and wants to divert attention from the happenings in Benghazi and Tripoli on purpose. 
But the problem is (about which Bani Walid elders are also worried about), that all the pressure is on Bani Walid, and NATO mercenaries and planes are headed for Walid, even talking about new bombing. What is their purpose we dont know, but hopefuly they will not make a siege of Walid again. 
The uprising is NOT LOCAL, its happening all around Libya and that's why there should not be any spacegoats.

00/ Arabiya correspondent: Gaddafi supporters succeed in controlling Bani Walid. In the mean time things are very serious in some cities, such as Tripoli, especially in the parts Saladin,Abu Salim, Eastern Plateau,Tarhunah. [Nessbook]
00h/ Shooting in Benghazi:
Since the rebels in Benghazi: OmarAmer AlBarghathi Second night of gun shots here in Benghazi. feels like a full blown war on the street next to mine .. the National Army for firing back at Gates
Could hear explosions and shootings in the neighborhood Sulmani As in Benghazi, ambulances heading for the place
TRIPOLI: (Agenzia Fides) - "Explosions and gun shots near the Mahara Hotel are reported, near the headquarters of the Military Commission of Tripoli": this is what local sources, contacted by Fides in the Libyan capital report. Our sources recall that since Friday there are 20 shootings in Tripoli [ We are all Muammar Gaddafi ]
*** Important Notice
Group of gangs from  of Misurata and Tripoli, located at a mosque of Malta on the road leading to the Bani Walid, are inspecting Mobile phones on provisional checkpoints. Contacts, photos and messages are searched by them. If they find photos of Gaddafi or photos offensive to NTC brabarians, people get exposed to all kinds of beatings and electric shocks.
And to anyone who is heading this road (especialy women) to check their mobiles in order to preserve the safety
And the same thing may happen in other places, so vulnerable people should be cautious
And God save all the Free Liberals and the resistance
22h/  #Libya URGENT #Benghazi -Large Explosion in an area of Salmani and violent clashes. Sound of ambulances heading to the scene 1h ago
#Photo #BaniWalid - Headquarters in which "May 28th" Battalion was besieged. Warfalla tribe said on their page that 2 young girls were injured by shrapnel from amunition (23anti-air) which was fired from the headquarters by the Battalion. One girl's injuries are serious.

23h/ BANI WALID  - Situation in the #BaniWalid very calm this evening, and there are no signs that any problems may occur, the city is completely safe and shops all working normally, there are some news agencies and media outlets roaming the city, and take pictures here and there, and unfortunately we have not seen most of them broadcasted. Rumors broadcasted by the other concerning the massing troops outside the Bani Walid, caused concern among some children and women. Things are mostly in the way of the solution, we ask Allah to accept our lost ones with mercy and forgiveness, and to enable recovery to the wounded.

***  URGENT #News #Libya #Benghazi  - Bearded traitor, Ismail Salaabi, member of so-called Joint Security Committee said that there is a full security alert since two days ago in the eastern region, in the cities of Benghazi - #Bayda - #Derna - #Tobruk and the alert (apart from other things) means a 24\24 patrols
*** IMPORTANT : The Champions Revenge Group of fighters from Sirte and a Almzaraa battalion Rusaifa Fighters ambushed a battalion of the Misurata mercenaries who were headed to the stationing area of River Gate, known as gate Gibran. They destroyed 14 armed vehicles of which 4 vehicles with launchers, and killed more than 40 NATO agents, including some Arab mercenaries. 3 members of the resistance were martyred. Powerfull sons of Rafla are now in control over the port.

*** Libyan football player stabbed in the chest 3 times, his car destroyed by unidentifeid attackers

23h/ EXCLUSIVE #Video #Libya :A moment when angry youth stormed so-called Ministry of #education in #Tripoli . Minister ran away through the back door. LOL

23h/ #NATO mercenaries in #Libya shooting each other by mistake #LOL
22h/ ‎RT  report- #NATO back in #Libya ? 'Worst case scenario possible'
In Libya, at least five people have been killed and 20 others wounded, as supporters of  leader Muammar Gaddafi seized control of the town of Bani Walid, after clashes with a group loyal to the new government. Earlier, the National Transitional Council's leader warned that the country was on the verge of civil war. 
The NTC has already been struggling with violent protests in its stronghold of Benghazi, which forced its second most senior official to resign. The demonstrators, many of whom helped overthrow the previous regime, are angered by the slow pace of reform and a lack of transparency in the handling of the country's assets. Patrick Hayes, a reporter for the online magazine Spiked, says the worrying events in Libya are not surprising.

21h/ URGENT #News Resignations of #Libya Ambassadors of the Councilof shame!
Libyan ambassador in #Rome , Hafeez Kaddour
Libya's ambassador in #Washington , Ali Aujali
Libya's ambassador in #Cairo , Abdel Moneim Hun 
20h/ Pro-Gaddafi forces strike back, 'Libya out of control' 
According to Russia Today (24.01.2010) ; NTC doesn't control the situation in Libya! (But all of us know,
that NTC mercenaries never had any control of Libya, but of their rat -holes Misurata and Benghazi!

 Russia Today: "Fighting has broken out in Libya between supporters of former leader Muammar Gaddafi and forces loyal to the new government. The head of the National Transitional Council has warned that the country is on the verge of returning to a state of civil war. Our correspondent Maria Finoshina says the NTC doesn't control the situation in Libya."
Pro-Gaddafi forces strike back, 'Libya out of control'

19h/ Gift from the Friday Market to Bani Walid and the whole #Libya 

19h/ Libyan brothers, there is a crisis in the supply of #fuel started in Alzaorlyan #Tripoli and most of the stations are closed, after the wounding of 2 of the drivers of fuel transport trucks. They were shot dead by unidentified persons. This led the rest of the truck drivers to fear from the delivery of their shipments to the rest of the stations.
19h/ BENGHAZI  -Previously peaceful, regular protests against a new government in #Benghazi #Libya now escalated into a clash. Sounds of bullets and ambulances. There is also a #news that confirms the existence of killed traitors of Libya and NTC mercenaries by the hands of green resistance last night.
18h/ Armed gangs of criminals are gathering now in front of Hotel Rixos and there reports about the presence of a big rat.
18h/ BANI WALID -  Reconnaissance's aircraft observing the skies of Bani Walid since morning so far
18h/ MISURATA - #Misurata declares a state of an emergency for all rats battalions to protect its borders from the tribes of Bani Walid
17h/ #News #Libya -now:::: The Battalion May 28 remains trapped inside the headquarters by the people and Rafla tribe, there are news reports about the killing of 6 people from the battalion, and 4 martyrs of residents and states that the people have taken control of most of the heavy weapons of the battalion (10 equipped vehicles and a set of tanks). The battalion is kept at the office building tightly and is now again entering a group of elders and tribal leaders for mediation and conflict resolution, it was presented to the members of the battalion to surrender their weapons to the people in order to let them out of their stronghold.
16h/ Supporters of Gaddafi in control of the town of Bani Walid in #Libya

16h/ To go outside of politics a little bit -  huge dead #whale was found on the shores of Bin Jawad -
The population of the city of Ben Jawad was suprised by the presence of large dead whale on the beach, where he was found Taatqadfh waves at a distance of 7 km west of the city and this type of Alehithan probably belongs to a platoon Dolphin. The length of this dead whale is nine meters, has been found by Mr. Saleh Hussein's tribal chief coast Guard city of Ben Jawad.
Dead whale has long, sharp teeth and a huge structure, said Coast Guard Chief Ben Jawad Al-Watan. newspaper Libya's says that this kind of violent and predatory dolphins usually live in the oceans .[ We hear and we assume so… Pisces in Libya have become strangers as well.] 

16h/ Photo of a Relief aid meant for civilians,but was stolen/ acquired and used by #NATO 's brigade "28th of May" 
Libya:  a Relief aid meant for civilians,but was stolen   
15h/ Ammunition which was seized from the "May 28th" Battalion in Bani Walid, has the name of crusader's #NATO alliance on it 

14h/ During the Bani Walid "storm" yesterday, after combing the possesions of the defeated NATO's battalion,we found a very large food supplies containing very large quantities of flour and oil, and many more. And all the rations belong to the International Relief Committee, they were supposed to be handed over to the people of Bani Walid, and not to be taken by this NATO's battalion.
Note: that the people of Bani Walid do not need this assistance anyway. 

13h/ #Libya #EXCLUSIVE #Video Message from #Tripoli resistance to the Rats & #NATO customers
In the name of GOD:
"We are Gaddafi supporters, and we swear by the God Almighty that we will put an end to the country's traitors and rats, NATO customers. So as to be an example to others. We will never give up because of the wasted pure blood of the martyrs...We will never leave Libya to these agents,Rats and traitors. Endowed spark of resistance was lit in a loyal Bani Walid. In this part of Libya we are free. We are here. We strive and are resisting in all parts of Libya, in order to liberate the country from rats, customers, crusaders. Forward forward God is great God is great"

12h/ URGENT #Libya - Renewed ongoing heavy clashes on the streets of the capital #Tripoli ,resulting in a large number of dead and wounded, and there are reports that a large number of fighters which previously fought as Feb 17 are now fighting on the side of fighters of the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, together against the forces of the National Transitional Council. And there are reports of the seizure of other areas together with the Bani Walid area in the hands of supporters of Gaddafi and the green flags over government buildings and there is extensive uprising began to break out again in all Libyan cities ........ Even Reuters, the British and the American Fox News channel and the Fifth French TV 5 are reporting
11h/ Breaking News-Nahar newspaper: Gaddafi supporters liberate Bani Walid, Rue Rue House and the House of France re-audited in Libya 2012.01.23 and Sarkozy reviews his calculations for oil
10h/ Mustafa Abdul Nato Jalil: "I will not resign under any circumstances, we recognise our heavy responsibility" [to loot #Libya ]

09h/ TRIPOLI -  Statement of the resistance factions in #Tripoli :
Resistance in Tripoli revealed the identity of a terrorist rat named Fawzi Shawkat, who was dealing with Misurata bandits since the beginning of the events, when he smuggled five thousand weapons to Tripoli with his truck filled with sand. He also had a workshop which was manufacturing the weapons and arming SUV vehicles with missile launchers.
Resistance knows his place of residence Friday market Algrarat, that corresponds to the highway
He sure has received threats through his mobile phone.. and was told that his end is near, O insane terrorists..
09h/ BANI WALID Even the  pages of criminals are confirming raising of green flags in all the areas of Bani Walid.. (note: I'm not refering to اخبار المقاومة الليبية 24/24(الاستخبارات الليبية page ) 

08h/ What did the #NATO 's Battalion "28th of May" experience in Bani Walid
Bani Walid
 05/ LIBYA  - Last night  night
* Green heroes - #Libya #Photo from tonight
Libya 2012.
* TRIPOLI - A large group of cars are now jamed at the Libyan broder crossing Ras Igdir, people trying to get out of the Libyan territory, and the checkpoint is now experiencing severe congestion
- Huge explosion in Abu Salim area
- Seven huge explosions hit the Friday Market area Hear the sound of explosions in a row in the Tajoura, heavy fighting in Tajoura, Frenaj #Tripoli #Libya
- Heavy gunfire in coastal road Friday Market
- Brave Rishvana attacked #NATO mercenaries in Janzour #Libya
 BENGHAZI Some green flags seen even in #Benghazi
04h/ Hit the battalion May 28 in Bani Walid 01/23/2012
02h/ BANI WALID #Libya #Photo - some of the green flags from Bani Walid