
Jan 10, 2012

Last defenders of Misrata

In this touching video two soldiers from Libyan army are sitting on the terrace on the 4th of April 2011, defending Misrata from the terrorists and traitors. 

One of the soldiers says:
"It's only us now. The whole group has been martyred." and with sorrow in his voice continues to name his martyred friends. "It's only us now and Kalashnikov rifle"
Libyan soldier then sends a personal note to his mother 
Take care of yourself 'Yayouma' Mom, my friend Wayl, Rabie...
I hope that Allah will keep me alive and that I will live long enough to see my home again. But if I do not come back, I ask for the forgiveness from all of those against which I might have sinned.. It's only us now, day is nice. Look.. how demolished Misrata is.

Shooting sounds start to get louder and louder, both Libyans die in the end.
May Allah have mercy on these brave martyred heroes.