
Dec 3, 2011

UN extends support mission in Libya from December 16 to March 16. 2012.

UN extends support mission in Libya
Update 04.12.2011.
Resolution The full text of resolution 2022 (2011) reads as follows:

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 1970 (2011) of 26 February 2011, 1973 (2011) of 17 March 2011, 2009 (2011) of 16 September 2011, 2016 (2011) of 27 October 2011, and 2017 (2011) of 31 October 2011,
Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Libya,

Recalling its decision to establish a United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) for an initial period of three months until 16 December 2011 to assist and support Libyan national efforts in the post-conflict phase,

Welcoming the establishment of the transitional Government of Libya on 22 November 2011, and stressing its key role in creating the conditions conducive to the full implementation of UNSMIL’s mandate,

Welcoming also the engagement of the Secretary-General and the President of the General Assembly, including through their recent visit to Libya which affirmed the key role of the United Nations in supporting Libyan national efforts in the post-conflict phase,

Looking forward to an assessment of needs by UNSMIL and the transitional Government of Libya by 16 March 2012, cooperating with all relevant international partners, including the international financial institutions, with a view to continuing the work of the UN in coordinating international support to the transitional Government of Libya on the basis of its needs,

Stressing the importance of the UN’s, including UNSMIL’s, continued support to the transitional Government of Libya in addressing immediate priorities as set out in paragraph 12 of resolution 2009 (2011),

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (S/2011/727), including the recommendation for a three-month extension of the UNSMIL mandate,

“1.   Decides to extend the mandate of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya established by paragraph 12 of resolution 2009 (2011) until 16 March 2012, and looks forward to the report of the Secretary-General, including recommendations on the next phase of UNSMIL’s support to Libya;

“2.   Decides that the mandate of UNSMIL shall in addition include, in coordination and consultation with the transitional Government of Libya, assisting and supporting Libyan national efforts to address the threats of proliferation of all arms and related materiel of all types, in particular man-portable surface to air missiles, taking into account, among other things, the report referred to in paragraph 5 of resolution 2017 (2011);

“3.   Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

­The UN Security Council has unanimously approved a resolution extending the UN support mission in Libya for another three months. Initially charged with helping to draft a constitution and prepare for elections, the mission is now also tasked with helping Libya’s new rulers to eliminate any proliferation of arms, especially portable surface-to-air missiles. The mission has been extended from December 16 to March 16.
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