
Dec 29, 2011

Report Libya by SomaliaSupport2 [29.12.2011.]

* Heavy Clashes outside of Gharyan continued today. Green resistance held its positions and Kept Belhdaj fighters at a distance.
* Green resistance of Tarhuna Fought against North misrata brigade in some areas of city and outskirts.
* Green resistance of Sirte clashed with Newly arrived Militia's from North misrata.
* NATO struck the City of Sabha parts of Airport of Sabha were hit.
* Protests across Libya continued especially in Benghazi. Opposition and Lack of Services water/electricity or food.
*  Conditions get Worse in Libya... shortages money and food ... Water is poisoned due to NATO strikes on Great ManMade River.
* Report - Saif: Tribal leaders met with Saif and Tribe of Baniwalid Met with the tribe of Zintan. Saif al islam is in Good care and at home. Developments are very Good at Zintan but NATO is trying to take Saif to ICC to kill him Politically and physically.

* Report Libya (Saif): According to Sources Tribe of Qaddafa has met with Zintan Tribe countless times and Were warmly accepted at Zintan. Baniwalid Tribe has said that Although Saif has Blood of Qaddafa Tribe, his Skin would be Baniwalid, he is our tribe as well. Baniwalid Largest Tribe of Libya called Saif al islam a Son of their People..Baniwalid has deep links to Zintan trough history. Two of biggest tribes of Zintan are actually Related to Baniwalid Tribe. Their Great grand fathers came from Baniwalid. Zintan Tribe depends on all its economy from Wershafana tribe another Sub-tribe or Cousin tribe and Member of Baniwalid Tribe.

* Zintan Tribe is currently fighting Belhadj brigades and also against North Misrata brigades and also fought NTC hefter brigade.
* Wershafana Tribe Live in Tripoli and also Zawiyah and Many areas around Zawiyah... all tribes of Zawiyah are pro-Gaddafi.
* 2 days ago The City of Zawiyah Placed Green flags across the City. The Militia's Did not Remove them as many hate NTC now.
* The city of Tarhuna is fully Green and Tribe of Tarhuna is protecting its entire city from any attacks.
 *Tarhuna Tribe Pro-Gaddafi Tribe has Defeated Convoy heading towards its city. it has also Pushed North Misrata brigade out.
* Green resistance in Sirte Still fighting in many Areas. but only less then 30% of the city remains after NATO holocaust.
* Areas Near Ubari in South Libya have just been Struck by Multiple NATO airstrikes, also Roads along Niger border were hit.
* Large Explosion in Baidah in the East of Libya. Militia's are fighting each other over neighborhood control.