
Dec 9, 2011

Libyan Liberation Front News [08.12.2011.]

 Libyan Liberation Front News:
(1) Hundreds of thousands of people with Libyan traitor flags gathered in Green Square demonstrating against the presence of traitors  with weapons in Tripoli.

We’re protesting against weapons and people using weapons. I want the militias who came from outside Tripoli to leave. They have to go back to their homes and continue with their studies,” woman said.
Around her the crowd chanted “The people want safety!”
“They are causing problems. We want the rebels bandits from outside Tripoli to go as the city is becoming dangerous,”
"Our group is protecting the National Oil Company building and offering security to employees there. We are ready to leave Tripoli the moment our commanders tell us," bandit from Misrata said. He had weapons as he roamed the streets in a four-wheel drive vehicle. 
 (2) One thousand metric tones of rotten wheat has been exported from Russia to Libyan traitor, enough rat food to feed them for almost one year. Forcing Libyans to depend on rotten food aid.

(3) American dictatorial Ambassador to Tripoli has left his base to export  traitor democracy and super hooliganism to Zentan, he had some people meeting him, and he talked about how super hooliganism will change Libya after 42 years of green Gadhaffi presence in Libya.

(4) Saif Al Islam Gadhaffi has undergone a very succesful surgery on his hand with the help of medicine, doctors and technical assistance from the green army.

(5) Libyan Green forces have managed to beat back North Misrata rebels on their way to Sabha, 83 rebels laid dead on the high way to Sabha.

(6) Green Resistance is supplying the people of Sirte with 4000 tones of high quality rice, beans, lentils, onions, fresh tomatoes, olive cooking oil, Argan oil and fresh packaged Angus beef from Zimbabwe, Cuba, and Venezuela to help sustain the people of Sirte and neighboring towns through out this season.

(7) Resistance forces destroyed 9 NATO mercenary boats at the gulf of BREGAH with at least not less than 29 foreign mercenary sailors shot dead.

(8) Green flag air carriers will not send it's air carriers between USA & Europe from the 23rd of December to 27th of December 2011, and resume scheduled flights after, flights to China, India and Latin America will remain un-interrupted.

(9) Green Army is expected to pull out over 1 trillion dollars in assets and cash reserves out of Africa in exchange for investments in China, Cuba, Brazil. Reazon for capital pull out is high political risk and direct collaboration between certain African leaders, NATO and ICC in witch hunting for Libyan stakes in banks, industries, factories, oil, accomodation and convenient store invesments.

Always Green and forever Green Libya.