
Oct 3, 2011

The Tuareg have taken a heavy blow to the enemies of the Qaddafi [03.10.2011]

 jouranlis  Alexander Grigoriev - translated by Jazira Chuibekova

"According to NATO pilots, last night the alarm was raised by 4 planes AV-8B Harrier II and 2 Eurofigher Italian aircraft carrier Garibaldi Guzepppe (Flagship ITS GARIBALDI). The reason was the destruction of 35 tanks and APCs from the "Brigades Zintana" Amazigh and officers Katara.S interval of 5 minutes, 7 km from Tarragon (about 70 km from Tripoli) and near the hamlet was destroyed Musaya both 11 and 24 armored personnel carriers, respectively. This sequence, accuracy, and the number of hypothesis have led NATO military, that strikes are from the air, although the radar shows nothing, thermal activity missile launchers on the ground, too, was not observed. Aircraft returned to the combat flight with nothing. On closer study of the remains of vehicles, it was found that the tanks and APCs were undermined by the French anti-tank mines ADWAT », - said," "a source in the Russian intelligence services engaged in monitoring the situation in Libya.

 "Later, from military intelligence sources, it became clear that action had to undermine the Tuaregs of the" Squad 55 "(" Farik Hamsa Hamsa "), fighting on the side of Muammar Gaddafi. Silent movement on the sand, a fine mist of the desert and olive grove next to Musayey let them go unnoticed, cock the mines and also slip out into the night. After 30 minutes, activated mines, detonators found near a metal and undermine the charges. The interval between explosions is likely due to the fact that in a daring raid involved some 25 commandos, the Tuareg, who, they say, did not have enough hands to establish once for all mines armored column rebels. As you know, now all the forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi of mobile groups of 20-30 people, "- said the officer.

Also  fighters of the "Youth Movement of Libya" was shot in his house chairman of the Appeals Court Murad Alraubi Tripoli. Collaborating with the MSP and NATO judge agreed to participate in court proceedings against the Libyan army officers who remained loyal to Muammar Gaddafi and trapped during the storm of Tripoli at the end of August this year. Judge of the house took a lot of young fighters documents. None of the other family members, the judge was not injured. House of the murdered judge is in the Bin Ashour next to the consulate of Denmark. This area, according to the guidelines PNS - the most secure in Tripoli.

Александр Григорьев - Туареги нанесли тяжелый удар по врагам Каддафи-->