
Oct 9, 2011


Moatassem Gaddafi encourages the Green Army good morale & high spirits  
[ October 2011.] 
In his letter to “Seven Days News” Mu'tasim Billah Gaddafi said that the Transitional Council is well aware that it can not survive in Libya for one week after the withdrawal of NATO, on the other hand, the resistance is fighting battles comfortably and that is the great difference between Jamahyria soldiers and Transitional insurgents.

This is reflected in the battles of Sirte and Bani Walid where the mujahideen snipers entertain themselves by playing a competitive game of hunting for insurgents,who do not understand the principles of fighting, standing naively in the range of sniper fire, they are deluded to the point that we sometimes mourn to who they are, whereas those who sent them to die are languishing in hotels of the world drinking wine and making the deals.

Mu'tasim Billah also said: There is no future for the Council, they can not protect themself, they can only plead to NATO to stay in our own country to protect them, while pushing Libyan people to pay the bill for NATO's stay.
Mutasim said: We say to all of those colonizers who think that they will live in security and will enjoy in Libya as they please, we say to them, resistance will remain, and will spoil you this joy and security!

They will never be safe, nowhere, not on ground or in the air nor in the sea! Those who think that the resistance will stop, days before the liberation of Libya, are deluded, resistance will continue and personnel of State officials are reported everywhere.

Everyone has to understand that there will be no stability in Libya, no stability in Libya, no stability in Libya, we will never allow a successful regime under U.S. occupation!
The next phase is striking of foreign oil interests in the whole of Libya. Who can protect the pipe network and oil installations which are extended or located in the desert, no one can claim that they could be protected! Command has issued orders to target all oil installations or tankers both on land or at sea!
As for the flights, our inteligence says that the Transitional Council will seek the use of civil aviation for special purposes in order to avoid detection in some sort of hiding behind civilian flights, so they can transfer foreign military experts,weapons and equipment on flights with passengers. That’s why we strongly recommend to Libyans who do not want to endanger their own lives by protecting the interests of the Council, not to fly on flights between Libya and the countries which are among suspicious risk, including the UAE, Qatar, France, Italy, Malta and Turkey. Forewarned is forearmed.
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