
Sep 17, 2011

Libya: Some civilians are more equal than others - Cameron and Sarkozy in Benghazi [news 17.09.2011.]

The photo  shows a man being strung up and beheaded in Benghazi

In Libya, where NATO-backed NTC forces are attempting to wipe out the last remaining pro-Gaddafi strongholds, civilians are still being killed but normally-vocal countries backing a UN resolution to protect them have gone strangely quiet.
British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy paid a visit this week to survey their handiwork. The first heads of state to visit Tripoli since the city fell to rebel forces say their countries’ work in spearheading the NATO intervention is not yet done. “We must keep on with the NATO mission until civilians are all protected and until this work is finished,” David Cameron told a joint news conference in Tripoli. 
“To paraphrase George Orwell in ‘Animal Farm,’ some civilians are more equal than others,remarks John Laughland from the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation.

Meanwhile, the colonel’s hometown is one of the last cities holding out against rebel and NATO forces.  A letter – purportedly from Gaddafi himself – begs the UN Security Council to protect Sirte from being pounded by NATO, and to tackle what it describes as crimes by the forces of the new government. Civilian deaths appear inevitable. 
Cameron and Sarkozy were quick to condemn Gaddafi for "killing innocent Libyans" in the lead-up to the imposition of NATO’s no-fly zone. But no such rhetoric is being aimed at the NTC
Video is from Benghazi february 2011. NOTE  place of  hanging!

When Cameron and President Sarkozy went to Benghazi yesterday to express their support for Libyan rebels, they went straight to the site at which the rebels publicly beheaded an alleged pro-Gaddafi “mercenary” only weeks  before.

Banghazi September 2011. Note  place of hanging!
As you can see the location is the same.

In a short press conference earlier in the day David Cameron focused on Gadaffi’s alleged mercenaries saying : The mercenaries should go home.”
 BUT ... SAS troops are now operating close to the front line helping coordinate attacks on the last four areas held by Gaddafi's troops. They are also operating alongside MI6 and CIA   "Brimstone has the capacity to be fired in a large salvo utilising millimetric radar to simultaneously guide each missile to a separate target," said Major Gen Nick Pope, the Armed Forces spokesman. [Libya: 16. September 2011.]
2.  RT repot 17. Spetember 2011.
Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) wants to screen some 3,000 migrant workers, most of whom are of sub-Saharan origin, to identify Gaddafi mercenaries among them. They will not be allowed out of the country until the process is completed.
The news emerged via the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which is attempting to evacuate the migrants. 
"We have had to stop the evacuation process for the time being because the NTC says they have to make sure of the migrants, to register them and to identify who is a real migrant and who is not," spokesman Jumbe Omari Jumbe told Reuters. 

More than 3,000 migrants and their family members, mainly from Chad, Niger, Somalia, Eritrea and Nigeria, but also from Jordan, Egypt and Pakistan, are stuck in Sabha. The city is controlled by pro-Gaddafi forces and is under siege by the troops of the NTC.

Sub-Saharan residents of Libya have been targeted by rebel forces ever since they took control of the capital, Tripoli. There were reports of mass round-ups and abuse of the migrants.  
Before the war, between 1.5 million and 2.5 million migrants lived in the country, but more than 600,000 have fled, mainly to Tunisia and Egypt, according to the IOM.
[ source: ]

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Anti-Gadaffi rebels are the Libyan wing of the Ku Klux Klan  - >
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