
Aug 10, 2011

(V) Khamis Gaddafi visited hospital in Zlitan [ 09. August 2011. ] after One more Ramadan massacre by NATO

Khamis Gaddafi visited hospital in Zlitan 09. August 2011.

Khamis Gaddafi  visited victoms of NATO bombing in Zlitan's hospital.
[08. August 2011.]NATO killed 85 civilians, women and children in Libya ! One more  Ramadan massacre.
via Lizzie Phelan: 85 people in a refugee centre in Zlitan were massacred in the early hours of this morning by NATO cowards in the sky. These are people who have fled the pro NATO rebels in Misrata and other areas and are mainly CHILDREN. NATO's bombing and sanctions campaign has failed to make the people submit it has made them more determined to fight. The martyrdom of many more Libyans this morning will worsen the impending hell that is looming for the west. RIP to all the martyrs

The reality is that they want to empty the Libyan area so they can access the rebels. Obviously for these people is normal  like eating to kill  people.
History never forgive those responsiblity for these atrocities and will be remembered for shame of his descendants.

The head of Libya's rebel movement has sacked the entire executive committee which functions as a cabinet. It follows the assasination of the commander of opposition forces last month. Members of the National Transitional Council, Libya's highest rebel authority, support the re-shuffle saying they hope it will stem any crisis in their ranks. Meanwhile, NATO is continues its attacks on the country. Officials in Tripoli claim 85 people have been killed in airstrikes in the west of the country. Stephen Lendman, author and blogger says it's obvious there's no agreement in the rebel government, and NATO is losing the war in the country.
On another side ....
Now we can see who is a lier.
05 August - NATO trumpet said Kamis is dead ?!?!? 
Libyan Government:spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said the report of Khamis Gaddafi's death was a ploy to cover up the killing of a civilian family in Zlitan, a battlefront city where Gaddafi forces are trying to halt the rebel advance on Tripoli.