
Aug 11, 2011

Rape of Libya: Mass funeral in Libya #NATO rebels show no remorse for slaughtered children [09.08.2011.]

#Feb17 killers of freedom show no remorse for dead Libyan children! They didn't even report about the mass-massacre in Libya. That's how the "pro-democracy" killers, supported by NATO, function.

NATO has bombed Majer area to 'clear the way' for the rebels to advance towards the embattled Gadhafi-controlled city of Zlitan. They didn't care how many Libyan children will die. After all, dead children are just collateral damage to NATO, small disturbance solved by their propaganda servants.

This specific massacre was:

1. denied by NATO 
2. heavily blacked-out by media 
3. attempts were made to discredit it 

This third step was the most interesting of all (first two are regular after each massacre) .. Telegraph wrote an article about Gaddafi's daughter Hanna, killed in 1986-bombing by USA, as being alive! It wasn't gruesome enough to invent the 'adopted posthumously' story back then, they had to resurrect her for current propaganda purposes as well ! Another heinous attempt of discreditation was made by releasing the alleged conversation of government official El-Baghdadi with an unknown 'agent': in which they talk about finding some dead children in order to deceive the public and show them to the press. Nevermind that the voice of the recorded man has no resemblance to the El-Baghdadi's voice - show must go on! While this dirty virtual wall of deceived public opinion was in the process of building, real funeral procession was on the way..

Thousands of people came to the funerals of the victims of the NATO attacks.

Jamahiraya Satellite Channel was also bombed by NATO. This was part of NATO’s efforts to contain information from coming out of Libya regarding the realities of the war. NATO is running out of steam and the Transitional Council is near collapse. 

In an e-mail to CNN, NATO confirmed that aircraft bombed targets south of Zlitan Monday night. But a spokesman for the military alliance denied targeting civilians.
"NATO had very clear intelligence demonstrating that former farm buildings were being used as a staging point for pro-Gadhafi forces to conduct attacks against the people of Libya," wrote a public affairs officer with NATO's Operation Unified Protector, on condition of anonymity. "We do not have evidence of civilian casualties at this stage, although military casualties, including mercenaries, are very likely owing to the nature of the target." sourceCNN Mr.Killer  you can see evidence on video!
 This is a crime beyond imagination
Massacerd Libyans ...

THE lifeless body of a small girl was held up for the cameras yesterday as a morgue attendant shouted: "Is this a soldier?"
Arwa Atir Juwaidi, 2, was one of scores of people killed in what the Libyan government said was a series of NATO airstrikes close to the frontline town of Zlitan, southeast of Tripoli.
The alliance said it had no evidence of civilian casualties in the attacks overnight on Monday against what it described as a military staging area for forces loyal to dictator Muammar Gaddafi. An official said military casualties were "very likely".
In a war in which information and perception play as important a role as tanks and jets, the images of wooden coffins on the shoulders of grieving men will make uncomfortable viewing in London and Paris. "Our God is Allah. Praise the martyrs for Libya," the men shouted, as some fired their guns into the air at a ceremony in front of a prayer hall in the tiny town of Majar, 10km south of Zlitan. 
Mass funeral in Libya[09. August 2011.]
Ali Muphta Hamid Gafez gazed at the chunks of concrete where his house once stood. He lost his daughter, 24, in the attack. His wife, Fattiya Juma al-Borgah, 46, was in hospital after the bottom half of her left leg was amputated.
"NATO bombed us, for what reason?" he said. "We did not do anything to them. We are civilian people. Why did they kill us? We had peace in my house with our family. What did we do to the other countries?"
 Destroyed farm house in Majer, near Zliten. Copyright of all photos above. Matthew Ozanon 2011
Destroyed farm house in Majer, near Zliten. Copyright of all photos above. Matthew Ozanon 2011
(AP) — NATO and Libyan officials both refuted damaging claims Wednesday in the 6-month old civil war, with NATO insisting its airstrike killed soldiers and mercenaries, not 85 civilians, and the state-run TV apparently showing Moammar Gadhafi's youngest son alive to counter rebel allegations of his death.
AND WHO ARE MERCENARIES? NATO killers -soldiers work for what?!!? For cakes? or THEY KILL NATIVE PEOPLE for MONEY?!!?  Rebels -killers take 2 500 dinars for dead body of Libyan soldier  + 1000 for BURDEN BODY?!?

"With our surveillance capabilities, we monitored this military compound very carefully before striking it," spokesman of NATO demon  - Lavoie said. "A number of military or mercenary?!? casualties were expected due to the nature of the activity we monitored."
 "Our assessment, based on the level of destruction of the buildings, confirms the likelihood of military and mercenary casualties" said NAT demon spokesman
Dead civilians in Zliten Hospital.  CNN camerman filming. Copyright, Matthew Ozanon 2011
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya TRIPOLI, Global Research, August 10, 2011Many of the journalists from NATO countries also held meetings on how to disseminate the news. NATO claims categorically that the areas bombed were “legitimate” military targets and that there is no evidence of civilian casualties.

Colonel Lavoie stated that NATO had solid intelligence which confirmed that the farm houses were “military bases.” This statement is false and in total contradiction with realities on the ground including photographic and film evidence (see the photographs below). Areas in Zliten and Majer (Mager) were bombed by NATO for strategic reasons. The bombing of civilian areas is tied to the planning of NATO’s offensive against Tripoli.
The Libyan clans in these areas have made it clear that they would fight the Transitional Council should its forces try to move westward against Tripoli from their position in Misurata. NATO deliberately bombed these areas “to clear the way” towards Tripoli. Thousands of people also came to the funerals of the victims of the NATO attacks.

Jamahiraya Satellite Channel was also bombed by NATO. This was part of NATO’s efforts to contain information from coming out of Libya regarding the realities of the war. NATO is running out of steam and the Transitional Council is near collapse.

NATO’s killing of civilians is intended to force the Libyan population into surrendering. The “Responsibility to Protect” is an utter shame. A few days earlier NATO left another boatload of migrants and refugees die in the Mediterranean Sea.

HRW has sent a team to Tripoli from its head office in New York, which has pushed for a settlement between the Benghazi-based Transitional Council and the Libyan government. Although independent, Human Rights Watch (HRW) is known to liaise with the U.S. State Department.

A concrete factory and a Libyan cultural centre in Al-Khams were also bombed by NATO which has also announced that it will attack civilian sites.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya reporting from Tripoli is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).[]