
Aug 25, 2011

Hala Misrati, state TV host, kidnapped by rebels in Tripoli, Libya

Update 08.03.2012.
Missis Hala Misrati is free.

Update 19.02.2012.
Kidnappers luckily felt compelled to denounce that, so here is a video showing Hala Misrati alive, saying she "lives in good conditions". [ Hero Hala is alive on video posted today]

Update 18.02.2012.

Yesterday, we heard the rumor about the death of Hala Misrati.
We haven't managed to confirm or refute this, since her whereabouts are still unknown, almost six months after the rebels captured her. 
The last we heard of her was from Dr. Yousuf Shakir who said  that she was in el Jadida prison and mistreated by the rebels. 
If NTC is such a poster for democracy, why don't they answer these questions:
 - Where is Hala Misrati?
- Is she alive? 
What are the charges against her?
Was she granted a lawyer?
Was she granted a visit from her family members 
or a regular communication with them? 
Does she have a medical treatment? 
When is her trial due?

I would be surprised if NTC answers any of these questions, because they are not so much a poster for democracy, as just plain POSER!

Update 17.02.2012. [no confirmed]
Libyan so-called  freedom-fighters have killed Libyan TV presenter Hala Misrati, after torturing and raping her in jail. HRW & Amnesty did nothing.
Death of Libyan presenter "Hala Misrati" in one of the prisons in Tripoli, Libya under mysterious circumstances, as stated by the Associated Press of America on Friday ...
"To Allâh we belong and to Him we shall return!".
And upon the following, we can draw conclusions of the barbarity and disgrace of rats in the so-called Libyan freedom .. I have not seen in my life such despicable human beings like these traitors ..
Is it rational to kill the woman captive who is weak and left on her own?
Imagine how those ignorant criminals  killed Hala !! We saw what they did to Gaddafi, may God have mercy on him, in front of the camera .. Let alone within the prisons."

Update 04.02.2012.
 Halla El Mesrati - Before and After Her Capture
I get a Facebook message:
"Hello. I wrote this' article on Halla El Mesrati, pregnant Libyan journalist captured by the "rebels" in NATO now would be a prison, the SIJN Jdida in Tripoli ... With means to you, you can raise the topic? Maybe writing something too. I appeal especially to journalists, but also to bloggers. Chlorine! "
What Not To Do? 
Find an excuse not to write? 
Not for me. Add, besides I am not an 'expert in anything, LIBYA: Libyan journalist Hala Misrati was raped 17 times by the rebels. According to Doctor Yousef Shakir, Hala Misrati, journalist of the Libyan Jamahiriya television. She was kidnapped by the rebels in August 2011 after the fall of Tripoli. She was imprisoned and raped 17 times. 
They cut her hair. She is imprisoned in Sijn Jadida prison in Tripoli. The TNC Launched in rumor speaking about the escape of the journalist in Tunisia. This is wrong, but it is still in Libya may be They Murdered her. "

On 3 January a real journalist, Serena Grassia , wrote of Atlas : "Libya: elections," pink quotas "The controversy is too low and 10% of the seats in the Constituent Assembly to be elected in Libya next June will be reserved for women . The proposal is contained in a draft electoral law introduced today and posted on the site of Committee preparer of elections . The reaction of the organizations defending the rights of women was immediate. A coalition of NGOs, including the Organization for the Rights of Women and The Voice of Libya Libyan, called outrageous the low level of participation granted to them. "The fact, women now constitute 50% of the Libyan population and it is absurd to reduce their representation in a low 10%," they wrote in a joint statement directed to the National Transitional Council, asking it to help ensure that the role of women in construction the country will not be marginalized. "

In the frontispiece of the blog above, is quoted a phrase of Cesare Cantu , "Plague of the country is the journalism that accepts no news examine them, if not invented yet"

Why not? Why not go even this story of a woman and a journalist? There are too many facts and reliable sources? What do you drink each day? [British Civilians for Peace in Libya]
(V) Hala Misrati, state TV host, kidnapped by jihadists in Tripoli, Libya

Halla El Mesrati - Before and After Her Capture

Update 01.01.2012.
 Hala Misrati was shown on TV still in captivity, she looks pregnant and tired.
Update 17.12.2011.
Dr.Shakir said that Hala Misrati, famous #Libya reporter,was raped 17 times by rebels, and she is STILL in captivity, although rebels tried to decept the public into believing that she escaped to #Tunisia . She is in #Tripoli Sijn Jdida prison. And her life is at risk! link
Description of video:
"We are the FF, we are the fighters/rebels/Jihadists of the revolution of 17 Feb. and with the help of the guys of High Landalous we entered the city, we have in custody Hala Misrati goon of the dictator. 
We will show you a small part with Hala Misrati. The whole video we will show it complete when with God's help free inch by inch the whole country. So here with this camera we taped Hala Misrati. .....they are pressuring her to follow the (parade/protest ) of freedom ...I am the child of Hi Landalous (the one who has the gun) ,get out & say to this dog that you served that you are following the new revolution ...
Hala Misrati : "Which revolution? Good God which revolution? I don't have freedom, I don't have a country, I can not go out on my own! What freedom are you talking about?" ....
They insist to her to start swearing against Qaddafi & she answers:
"He is the one who gave us dignity," 
(cannot hear clearly what else she says) , Here the video stops. 
Jihadists said: "Allah ou Akbar. Allah ou Akbar. DOG Moammar we freed the country!"
[Uploaded by on Aug 24, 2011]

"She's clearly a very strong mouthpiece for the pro-Gadhafi forces," said Dina Eltahawy, a researcher for [Neutral] Amnesty International, which has issued an urgent alert to try find al-Aqbani.

NATO's Libya war: RAPE AS WEAPON [Iman al-Obeidi]