
Aug 21, 2011

Gaddafi's speech, Libya 21. August 2011. [1: 40 am]

"Those who cheer the Nato planes that bomb during Ramadan, God damn their religion. You dirtied the mosques, how can you pray there? Our country that was happy and comfortable in Ramadan, what have we done to France ans Britain, you want to give them our oil.

Libyan men want to kiss the head of Muamar (Gaddafi) 
What were you before the Fateh Revolution? You were occupied by Italians!
Go back to your families! Where are you going? You are going to give Libyan oil to France? The Libyans will never accept that.
You want France to rule you! 
You want the donkeys of the Gulf to rule you!
What are we, Palestinians? Somalis! 
Why have we become this way? Who is standing with these people? Our tribes have been bombed.

They call the planes to bomb their country! 
"Come bomb my country!" 
Look for who has done this to Libya & take revenge from them.
Who has caused this? He is known. 
The traitor, the rat! 
He isn't Libyan. Look at the Libyans (on TV) kissing my photo now!
You're destroying the accomplishments-the airports! 
The Libyans are now beggars in Egypt & Tunis, take revenge on who has done this.
Did we lose our minds or what? Our men were fine! What's this 17 of February, our sons are being wasted.
Now they will say my speech is recorded from before, the lying channels. 
Today is Ramadan 21st. And I am watching Bab Al Azizia now.
Nato is collapsing, it is its last days. 
They are killing children. 

These are infidels, they kill you in Ramadan. It's 1:40 am now!
These people want to burn Libya. The roads in the mountains even surprised Europe, you used to go on the donkeys & the great river!
The rebels are fleeing like rats from the mountains. The donkeys of the Gulf have given them weapons to destroy our airconditioners.
A million people will rise to liberate Libya from them. Look at the fireworks in the Green Square!!!