
Aug 26, 2011

Gaddafi speech [ 25-8-2011 ]

"We are fighting ! Our Tribes Worshfana and Alnwahi Alarbaa go toward Tripoli , continuous heading toward Tripoli as your grandfathers did in the Battle of Alhani And Bo Meliana and alshaat.  Here is the battle again. The same battles do as your fathers did . Come men and women to clean Tripoli this time. Every street and area in Tripoli should fight and never Surrender. The enemy will be defeated. NATO will be defeated by Allah is willing and the tribes which's out of Tripoli should crawl to Tripoli and control it's area too. Imams tell people to Jehaad and go in the front lines , this is the hour for to be the Martyr or Victory ,advance everywhere.

NATO will Withdraw. NATO can't continuous always. Those will rape, those will rape your girls in your houses, don't let them give it to the Colonization. crawl to Tripoli to those rats. kill them, you Marched with Millions before, now March with Millions again but for fighting. Don't be scary of bombing this is a Stun grenade. Don't hand over Tripoli.

Tribes will crawling from everywhere. Take all Masques. Take Rooftops. Take Institutions, take shops and fight from it. There will never be a secure place for thos rats. People fighting everywhere. We are The vast majority. Tribes and people should crawl to Tripoli to protect it, women is fighting in the streets.

Libya will never allow for our land to be for France , not for Italy. Libya will never be Colony again. fight them. Libya is for Libyans. Tripoli is for you not for those agents who beg for NATO. Those are agents not from Tripoli. Those aren't sons of Tripoli. Men and women. o out! Fight them! follow them! Masses Crawl now, from everywhere to Tripoli ,
GO ahead! Go ahead!"

Libyen: Gaddafi Rede auf al-ray TV, 25 August 2011
Translated By اسكندر بيك (