
Aug 23, 2011

Battle for Libya: Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, Moussa Ibrahim, Thierry Meyssan, Alex Jones, Don DeBar fromTripoli [23. August 2011.]

 Thierry Meyssan from Rixos Hotel in Tripoli
Live with Thierry Meyssan, french journalist and writer, on Monday 22th, 2011, (1:55, french and libyan time), from Rixos Hotel in Tripoli.
"We are surrounded by Forces which are difficult to identify. In the afternoon, important people from Government and of Kadhafi's family came, but now, they are all gone. Khamis Kadhafi came personnaly to bring weapons, but he's gone.
Hotel is defended by young libyans who are defending us, they have no other reason to risk their lifes.
Some time ago, bombings occured in the garden.(Moving) Here, you can see the Hotel's hall : there is nobody.
Journalists are reassembled on the first floor. A little room has been convert in Mosque to be sheldered from fights if they come inside, but for now, fights are outside.
I show you all this. You can see friends who are coming back. They seems to be proud of what happens outside.

(Phone call)
Fights outside seems going to finish. Anyway, we can hope that, beacause if not, we don't know what will happen yo us before the end of the night ;-)
Meanwhile some frames on TV shows frames from Green Square in Tripoli, which is supposed to be taken over by jubilant people, rebels, and so on ...
Those frames from Al Jazeera are strongly denied by all people we get on the phone.
I don't know what to think.
You know that Qatar's Emir had build a big studio that the scene shows Tripoli's Green Square.
Maybe those  frames are fakes to create a virtual reality, maybe this is reality, I don't know.
As I'm locked here, I cannot tell you more.
I will call back you later, as soon as I know what's happening."

Tripoli is still under Libyan govt control: to rename Green Square is an unacceptable political act by google   ?? Google-maps has already renamed the Green Square into Martyrs Square ??

Speech of Dr Mousa Ibrahim to the press. 23-8-2011
Key points of speech.
1. As you saw Libyan people resist and fight for they beloved Tripoli , the capital of Libya.
2. Libyan channel broadcasting equipement was bombedand also the radio broadcasting equipment.
3. Leader is safe and his sons are safe and all the leaders of Libya are safe ( he refers to tribal leaders and army leaders and ministers) and son of the leader are leading the armed struggle.
4. We fight in both fronts in the military front and we also fight to meet the citizens daily needs , because the armed gangs are making people life difficult.
5. We want to pay tribute to the brave youth moujahedeen of Tarhouna,Bani Walid,and Zliten and Al Maghraga and Sebha and five points and... ( sorry the translator didnt worte all the names of the tribes contributed) , that came to defent their capital and helped Libyan army to restore the control of the city.
6. Situation of Tripoli is under control. 80 per cent of Tripoli is firmly controled ( meaning other 20 per cent is control but clashes in some places.
7. We thank the people of Tripoli that took controled and secured their neibourhouds in order no armed gang will penetrate for example Abu Saleem.
8. The situation in Tripoli will be back to normal in 3-4 days max.
9. We urge the people of Tripoli to come out of their homes and confort the armed gangs that ther only purpose is to loot and they have complete lack of organization.
10. Last night and today a big number of armed gangs was killed and this makes me sad because they are Libyans but they choose their way. They betraye Libya and they killed the Libyan people while Sarkozy and emir of Qatar and Obama are in ther riches and safety outside Libya.
11. When we refer to Crusaders we dont mean cristians in general. we refer to the rasist people that are after the riches of Libya and although they defeated they didnt want dialogue but they wanted to destroy Libya.
(please excuse the writer of this translation if i have forgot some things.) 
Saif Al Islam Gaddafi Interview in Tripoli [23. August 2011.]

Saif Al Islam

Saif al Islam, who was earlier reported to have been arrested, has made a surprise appearance in Tripoli and met foreign journalists early on Tuesday morning.
He appeared at the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli early Tuesday in a convoy of armored Land Cruisers. Saif al Islam met with journalists of Agence France-Presse, BBC News and Fox News. He said that his father and several of his sisters are indeed alive and well, and that Muammar Gaddafi is still in Tripoli.
“Yes, he is in Tripoli, he is alive and well and we are winning,” he said. “The rebels have been lured into a trap and we will crush them."“Tripoli is under our control, the situation in the city is OK,” Saif al Islam told journalists.
The claim about Saif al Islam’s detention was earlier confirmed even by the International Criminal Court (ICC) but now it appears even this respectable institution cannot be fully trusted. All this is casting a shadow over other victorious statements made by the rebel council.
Saif al Islam also took some of the journalists for a drive around the city to the government stronghold district Bab al-Aziziya, where they saw thousands of armed fighters protecting it.
Journalists were told that thousands of volunteers are coming to the capital to protect the government.
Saadi Al Gaddafi just arrived to Tripoli with 1600 fighters from Bani Walid and 3000 from Tarhouna tribe.
Seems the rats will be exterminated from every direction. Dr.Yousef Shakeer talking in radio Bani Walid.
He firstly thanked the Bani Walid tribe that sent 20 thousand volonteers last night to purge Tripoli.
As stated before, Dr. Shakeer said that the rats falsly claimed that they captured him, but this only in their dreams !

Libya - NATO Wanted To Kill From Day One - Leonor
This discussion took place at Midnight 22 August - Libya time. And I had a brief chat (typing) with Ahmed, he said everything in Tripoli is Good - I protested there have been bombings - and then he disappeared ...

And I'll just add one interesting comment just recieved:
propagandakills221 has made a comment on Mahdi Nazemroaya in Tripoli Afternoon 22 August:
More from our correspondent Matthew Price. He says Saif al-Islam appeared buoyed up and confident when he arrived at the hotel. Asked where he believed the balance of power lay, he said: "We have broken the backbone of the rebels. It was a trap. We gave them a hard time, so we are winning". [From BBC website.]
 Don DeBar about the real on-the-ground situation in Tripoli. 
Recorded at 7:15am
On this Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes author, historian and lecturer Webster Tarpley to discuss the latest situation in Libya as Al-Qaeda backed rebels, aided by a massive NATO bombardment, prepare to seize Tripoli and topple Colonel Gaddafi.