
Jul 1, 2011

Tripoli 01. july 2011 - Libya and Libyans, Gaddafi's speech

Translation of Gaddafi speech today by Karim B.and Marija.M.: 
The leader spoke today. He said that this is a historical day, and he is challenging Sarkozy, Cameron and Obama to switch on their TVs and watch the crowds, in order to find out that they are delusional, because they entered a war which they will never win, he also says
" If you continue targeting our houses, we can do the same, coz Europe is not far away. but lets not do this, just watch the crowds , kids and women. They are not here because I ordered them to, it is their free will. In this war you are not facing me,you are facing these crowds. I am nothing. If You want peace with Libyans, it is up to the crowds. If You want anything , negotiate with the crowds. The regime is not Gaddafi's regime, it is a Libyan regime. 
It doesn't matter that many who got scared- defected and escaped, the Libyans will remain, and each coward will be replaced with a hero. Is it a democracy to bomb the civilans?? We don't want a democracy which comes with bombs! 
The Socialist Jamahyria will win, the real democracy which serves the people will win. I advise you to stop bombing, and stop acting as mercenaries for the rebels. The Libyans said what they want, they marched, their tribes made it clear that the future is for Libyans, the oil is for Libya, Libya is Ours
You are delusional, a group of traitors convinced you that Libya is easy to get. Even though you hired mercenaries , propaganda, psy-op etc, nothing helped you to make any progress on the ground. 
Turn on your TVs and watch the longest Libyan flag ,4.5 km long, I didn't make this flag, people donated to make this flag. Those rebels are no different from the ones who betrayed Libyan people during the Italian invasion
Libyan people march in millions, without weapons, to liberate the regions under the rebels control.
You,Libyan people, are the only ones who can finish this war with a victory
If they want to negotiate- we welcome that, otherwise- we are continuing and they are definitely going to lose, no matter how many weapons they drop with parachute to the rebels. We will not betray our history, nor our children and their future. The glory is for You brave Libyans, the struggle will continue."
by Viva Gaddafi

 Libya and Libyans [01. July 2011]
comment :   "Differently large demonstrations in Libya and different reporting over it - 1 July 2011"
    In the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi have today little more thousands gathered followers supported by the NATO Libyan contras for Friday prayers, such as a photo of Asso-CIA-ted Press shows. The Friday prayers are the greatest public demonstrations of government opponents. At the beginning of the uprising, supported by NATO, while tens of thousands of people came together, which could be stimulated by roaring clergyman to the holy war against the Libyan government.
In the Libyan capital of Tripoli today, however, found a sympathy rally held for the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
Libya and Libyans [01. July 2011]
    Asso-CIA-ted Press reporting that Muammar Gaddafi has since said in an audio message before thousands of supporters, if NATO did not stop to attack Libya, Libya could also decide to carry out retaliatory attacks on Euopa. Except for the size of the rally, that there were thousands of people, it had been a bit blurry reported by AP from the fact that it was "one of the largest pro-government demonstrations" in the last few weeks have been. A photo of this rally today in support of Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli Asso-CIA-ted Press and other Western intelligence agencies have not been published, although there are dozens of correspondents to report in Tripoli.
 Libya and Libyans [01. July 2011]
    There are certainly seeing a few hundred thousand people at today's rally in support of Muammar Gaddafi. Would the people in NATO countries to see these images, they could despite all the war propaganda understand that war by NATO, with a few as henchmen led, is not to the liberation of the people in Libya, but against the Libyan people and their legitimate government is.

It is therefore not surprising that the Western agencies spread no pictures of the rally in support of Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli, and both the Contras and NATO had been firmly rejected all the offers of the Libyan Government to resolve the conflict through fair and free elections rather than war to solve.
[Translation by SteffenS Original on Germany: "Unterschiedlich große Demonstrationen in Libyen und unterschiedliche Berichterstattung darüber - 1. Juli 2011"]
------------------The Brother Leader Gaddafi's speech:--------------- 
(To Obama & SArkozi & NATO)  
Open the Libyan channel & see the millions of the Libyans protect me & protect Libya, but before open it take some medicine because you will shock, ALL those people like me & if I am dictator why all those people is here to protect me,,,, for me you need to speak with all Libyans to stop this war, you just lie lie lie 
Look to this people!
Yesterday I here that some women sell there gold to buy a green cloth to make a green flag with 5 km long. You strike the people by bombing them but you will not make any solution you are just ploughing the sea, from Jamahiriye Free