
Jul 29, 2011

Libya news [backup libyasos] 11. july - 28. july 2011.

Day 129: 28. july 2011. Libya news
24h/ Breaking news : Spain have confirmed that the members of the national council have run out of Libya
23h/ Libya rebels in chaos as military chief killed by rivals, tribes take over Benghazi airport .
21h/ RAPE of LIBYA:  CAN WE STOP NATO DEVIL?  Bab al `Aziziyah -->

** During another rally for his supporters in the town of Zaltan near the Tunisian border, Libyan leader Muammar Al Qathafi said he is ready to "sacrifice" to defeat rebels battling his forces after they warned the deadline for him to step down and stay in Libya has expired.
Referring to the NATO alliance and the insurgents who are trying to force him out of his role as leader of Libya, in an audio message broadcast late on Wednesday, a defiant Al Qathafi said: "We are not afraid. We will defeat them."
He went on to say: "We will pay the price with our lives, our women and our children. We are ready to sacrifice ourselves to defeat the enemy.” 
22h/ For European bankers, it's a war for Libya's Gold. For oil corporations, it's a war for Cheap Crude (now threatening to destroy Libya's oil infrastructure, just like Iraq). But for Libya's women, it's a fierce, knock down battle over the Abaya— an Islamic style of dress that critics say deprives women of self-expression and identity.
21h/ Libya Diary: Arrived in Libya, less checkpoints on the way to Tripoli than the last time I was here at the beginning of June.
20h/ A Belgian court has thrown out a war crimes complaint against NATO filed by Muammar Gaddafi&aposs daughter over charges that a bombing in Tripoli killed her daughter, her brother and other family members.
19h/ A French court rejected a similar complaint against French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Defence Minister Gerard Longuet and French military officers on June 30.
19h/ Last night at twelve o'clock on a live TV show Libyan face to face in the program Mr. Shakir of the three leaders of the secret organization of Tripoli Intended to support the rebels and provoke unrest and NATO Then ask away.
18h/ In an audio message broadcast on the state TV on Wednesday, the Libyan strongman said his troops were lying in wait for foreign soldiers to intrude into their territory. "We are here waiting for you. And so are the Mediterranean fish," The Brother Leader Gaddafi said.
Attorneys have filed a civil lawsuit in Belgium accusing NATO of killing 13 civilians, including 3 children, by bombing a residence in Libya. Marcel Ceccaldi, a Paris-based lawyer, said Thursday he also has asked the Brussels District Court to send two experts to Libya to assess the physical and psychological damages of the attack near Tripoli in June so that he can determine what monetary compensation to seek from NATO.
15h/ WIKILEAKS- US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks expose some of the real reasons and diplomatic tensions behind NATO’s ongoing bombardment of Libya. Far from initiating a “humanitarian” intervention to protect civilians against Muammar Gaddafi’s government, Washington backed the NATO intervention for one reason only—the installation of a regime that better serves the strategic interests of the US, as well as the operations of the giant oil and gas companies.
14h/ The United States formally recognized the rebel council as the country’s legitimate government earlier this month, despite the fact that the rebel army is spearheaded by Al-Qaeda terrorists who are supposedly the target of a multi-decade “war on terror” that is now in its tenth year and has cost the U.S. a staggering $5.4 trillion since 9/11.
12h/ BENGHAZI, Libya, -- The rebel-backed Transitional National Council in Libya is gearing up to load 800,000 barrels of crude oil onto a tanker for shipment Monday, an official said. Read more:
11h/ ROME, -- Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa met here on Wednesday with his French counterpart Gerard Longuet to discuss global military cooperation and the developments of the NATO-led operations in Libya, which both countries are actively involved.
10h/ ITALY- The Italian Senate voted to extend funding for foreign military missions, supporting forces in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and a NATO-led effort in Libya.
09h/ TRIPOLY, Libya - Libyan governmant has criticized Britain's recognition of the Libya's opposition Transitional National Council (TNC), describing the measure as “illegal.”
08h/ Rebels attacked city Ghezaia with rockets and tanks this morning.Attacks come from the air (?!) and on ground.We hope to have more details soon about this
07h/ NATO: WE will be forced to bomb civilian targets. Bombing of civilian structures is TERRORISM! ... And we've seen so many violations of international law in past 4 months. In fact "they" smashed "international law".

Day 128: 27. july 2011. Libya news

21h/ CANADA - Hence, the military mission, pledges of humanitarian aid and diplomatic efforts such as his visit to the transitional council leaders. In short, Libya, like Kosovo, Somalia, Haiti and, by some accounts, Iraq and Afghanistan, has become a humanitarian war.
We can stay and fight for a long, long time — and not just by dropping bombs — or decamp and leave chaos. Even if you stay and get rid of a tyrant such as Saddam Hussein, the results are not clear. Has any humanitarian warrior wondered why the Iraqis show such little gratitude?
20h/ In any case, the enemies of the Colonel have demonstrated their inability to cope. Even the most zealous of his opponents acknowledged his military successes. Indeed, there has been no progress in the fighting since late March. The first deadline for Gaddafi neutralization expired on June 27, 2011, and NATO was forced to extend the operation for another 90 days (until the end of September). And even the optimists in the alliance do not rule out the possibility that the operation will have to be extended for the third time, if the long-awaited assault on the strategically important port Brega fails again.
19h/ DEPLETED URANIUM in LIBYA  - War crimes and crimes against humanity have been and continue to be committed in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by NATO. Amongst these crimes, the Atlantic Alliance has been using depleted uranium against Libya, specifically civilians and civilian infrastructure.
18h/ Foreign Secretary William Hague has said the UK will recognise the Libyan rebel council as the "sole governmental authority", and has expelled Gaddafi-regime diplomats. 
18h/ Fresh diplomatic efforts are under way to try to end Libya's bloody civil war, with the UN special envoy flying to Tripoli to hold talks after Britain followed France in accepting that Muammar Gaddafi cannot be bombed into exile.
18h/ WHAT LESSONS FOR AFRICA?  It wouldn’t be a bad thing if the Libyans revolted. What is bad is to affirm that people stoically accept a system that represses them all over the world without reacting. And Rousseau concludes: ‘Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium – translation – If gods were people, they would govern themselves democratically. Such a perfect government is not applicable to human beings.’ To claim that one is killing Libyans for their own good is a hoax.
17h/ “The West focused its propaganda machinery on the UN with a vengeance. And it was no mere ordinary propaganda campaign but a full-blown orchestration of history for the books. First, Libyan diplomats were induced and threatened to step down from their positions and promised that if they supported the opposition they would be ‘taken care of.’ This resulted in the Libyan diplomats at the UN not only resigning, but doing so and still maintaining a type of diplomatic status that allowed them to advocate on behalf of the armed rebels who were challenging the government of Libya for control of their country.”
16h/ The mainstream media has been hiding the facts and the realities on the ground in Libya. The Libyan people have been gathering in massive rallies across Libya. These rallies demonstrate the widespread support of the Libyan people for Colonel Qaddafi and their opposition of the Libyan people to NATO and the Benghazi-based Transitional Council.
15h/ Some OPEC members have expressed support for increased production quotas to make up for production lost as a result of the conflict in Libya, a member of the 12-nation Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries. But Venezuelan Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said there should be no production hikes “above all because we cannot give a blank check to Nato so that it can bomb any nation over oil.
13h/ Hello my friends, I miss you all, I am now in Libya, I promised you the truth to you from Libya, I was surprised, how people live their normal lives, they are brave, and children in the parks, and people were shopping, I'm happy to watch Tripoli this beau...ty, and the NATO bombing increases them strength , and the support of Gaddafi مرحبا اصدقائي، اشتقت اليكم جميعا ، انا الان في ليبيا ، وعدتكم بالحقيقه اليكم من ليبيا ، لقد تفاجئت ، كيف الناس يعيشون حياتهم الطبيعيه ، انهم شجعان ، والاطفال في الحدائق ، والناس في التسوق ، انا سعيد ان اشاهد طرابلس بهذا الجمال ، وقصف الناتو يزيدهم قوة ، وتأييد للقذافي
12h/ This is our news from Brega city: 25 members of armed gangs extremists in Southern Brega were blockaded, seven arrested and three killed (they were non-Libyans ). Four of the ones that were arrested were Egyptians and Algerians and the rest escaped like rats.
11h/ Brian Souter Friday  like many other Fridays has seen huge rallies in Tripoli’s Green Square. It is very hard to get an accurate number of the mass of people that have attended these rallies. Estimates have placed the size of the July 1st rally in Green Square at one million people or more. In Libya it is said that the rally reached about 1.7 million people. The rallies have been taking place almost weekly in Tripoli and other Libyan cities, including Sabha on July 8, 2011.
Public opinion in North America and Western Europe has been misinformed. People in Western Europe and North America are not even aware that these mass rallies have taken place. These massive rallies express the Libyan people’s patriotism and their firm opposition to NATO’s war of aggression on Libya.
10h/ Human Rights Investigations has been investigating the use and consequences of racist propaganda in Libya and this has led to the examination of video footage of atrocities committed in Benghazi, Libya. Today HRI reports on the lynching of a man by rebels in Benghazi. Our hope is that the death of this man will inspire people to take action for peace. 
Day 127: 26. july 2011. Libya news

I am surprised at your article don't you know that Mr Jalil is a Turkish citizen & not a Libyan citizen he has no rights to demand anything of Libya & the Libyan Regime. If Mr. Hague is not informed by that then he should be informed about it he is talking with a non Libyan. I am also surprised at your News blog because you are not telling your readers that the USA, England & France are financing & helping Jihadist who are against the Legal government of Libya! Its about time to get your information straight! Unless your doing the bidding of the Zionists/Levi & the New World Order!!!

Whenever you Find a Video About a War Crime Against Libya Please Send to UNSC
EMAIL ADDRESSES:, rusu​,, portug​,, chinese​, delbrasonu@​,, bihun@​,colombia@colombiaun​.org,,,a​,, info@n​,, LamamraR​, waneg@afric​, JoinerDJ@africa-u​,, Nigeri​,,     MESSAGE:   Dear UNSC:   Here is video evidence of war crimes against Libya: [PUT LINK HERE]   Yours sincerely,   [Your Name]
**NATO_SECRETARY Lord George Hakobyan. NATO SECRET SERVICE: Turkish Secret Service(MIT) want to kill Gaddafi. 6 Turkish professional killers in Libya!
#USA: US government arrests more than 1400 peace activists...because they are calling for peace and an end to US illegal silent
** It started with Georgia, it ended with Libya. NATO has lost the capacity to whitewash its evil schemes by manipulating the truth. Despite desperate attempts to control the Internet, the flow of information is free enough for the truth to come out and for the millions of activists around the world to use this freedom to divulge what is happening. 
** Tribal Rivalries Complicate Libyan War. The rebels respond aggressively to anyone who tries to investigate. A SPIEGEL team was taken into custody in Awaniya, escorted to the Zintan command post and interrogated.,1518,776695,00.html
**CNN NATO Bombing Hospital, Food Storage In Zletin Killing 11 Civilians, 25.07.11 War On Libya 
** NATO bombed and destroyed clinic,mosque and an Islamic school in Zliten.The number of victims increased.8 people were killed.
**26-7-2011 المسيرة المليونية في مدينة الخمس اليوم مباشر علي قناة الجماهيرية
The million March in the city of KOMUS live on aljamahiria TV
** Breaking News car bomb explosion in the city (almarj) in the center square
the city located east of benghazi
** The Ministry of Defence said that one of the pilots was killed in a road accident in southern Italy. The pilot called Sergeant James Smart of secrecy second (mechanical and transport unit)
** Breaking news: Libyan army threatens to use rockets to bomb Sicily base if they dont stop bombing of Libya.
** Libya will not begin negotiations on resolving the conflict with the rebels, as long as NATO does not stop air strikes, said Libyan Prime Minister today.
** Portugal Authorities expelled 3 Libyan diplomats today and recognized the NTC as legitimate representative of Libyan people.
** The armed forces of the world's mightiest military alliance, Nato, have failed twice now to win a war. American, British, French and other foreign troops are preparing to withdraw from a combat role in Afghanistan, the first war in which Nato deployed ground forces, while the US, Britain and France again also appear to be on the point of giving up the fight in Libya, saying Gaddafi can stay there after all, provided he gives up power.
** I hereby present evidence of NATO war crimes in Libya against international legally binding agreements, presenting the facts and allegations open for investigation by the competent bodies; in the name of humanity I request those with powers to take this one stage further, confirming that Humankind has reached an acceptable level of civilization.
** If the Libyan conflict concludes later this summer with Colonel Gaddafi still clinging to power – albeit in a truncated rump of the country he has dominated for the past 42 years – David Cameron will have no one to blame but himself.

Day 126: 25. july 2011.  Libya news

22h/ A mass-grave of alleged LIBYAN soldiers has been discovered in a rebel-controlled area in Libya, according to British newspaper The Telegraph. The location was swiftly bulldozed after the discovery, suggesting an attempt to cover-up the killings. The bodies were reportedly mutilated, adding to the recent concerns of human rights abuses by rebels. Such crimes are being swept under the carpet to support NATO’s cause in the region – so says Sukan Chandan, a spokesman for the British Civilians For Peace in Libya movement.
21h/ On Sunday Libyan army  attempted to capture the strategically important town of El Gavalish, which is under the control of the insurgents.The town is located on the highway leading to the city of Garyanu and if control can be attained it would pave the way for the opening of traffic to flow to Tripoli from the south.
** NATO  Hit Hospital, Kill Three Doctors: Libyan Residents
*** ZLITAN, Libya (AP) —NATO HIT HOSPITAL !!! A hospital worker in western Libya said that NATO forces struck a local hospital on Monday and killed seven people, including three doctors.Ambulance driver Osama Mahmoud said three doctors were among the dead at the Zlitan hospital."In this whole area there is no military," Mahmoud told The Associated Press.

17h/ (V) Libyan rebels (killers)  in Benghazi hanging man #Feb17-

** 16,444 NATO Sorties, 6,185 Strike Missions
13h/ Libya will soon suffer the fate of Iraq. According to the World Food Program, a United Nations outfit, the north African country will soon experience a food crisis. In a statement, the organization said the engineered armed conflict in the country is seriously undermining the supply and distribution of perishable goods.
12h/ Pakistan has so far refused to accord recognition to ‘a state-less Transitional International Council’.Tripoli has appreciated Islamabad’s position that the US-led armed intervention in Libya is beyond the UN mandate. Islamabad has told Washington that it would only recognise a government in Libya that controls Tripoli.
10h/ Evidence: NATO-backed Libya "Rebels" Are Clearly Terrorists. These abuses included executions, beheadings, and lynchings--especially of Black Libyans, migrant workers from other African countries and suspected loyalists of Muammar al-Quathafi. The information and even celebratory video clips are widely available through Youtube or Google searches.
10h/ Major news outlets are deliberately ignoring or downplaying the racialist-motivated atrocities against Black people being committed by the terroristic "rebels." If such crimes were being committed against White people, NATO would be bombing these so-called rebels instead. No wonder the African Union, often divided on issues, have taken a common stand on Libya and pushing for a peace proposal --ceasefire, constitution and elections-- rather than allowing vengeful and blood-thirsty Benghazi to prevail in Libya.
10h/ One of the consistent experiences of reporting alongside opposition fighters in Libya is feeling the delineation between what the rank and file have to say of the NATO bombing campaign and the statements of the officials in the Transitional National Council. But they also express deep and sometimes agonized frustration at the pace and target selection of the air support, and talk often of what they perceive to be NATO half-stepping and incompetence.
09/ Bulgaria Expels Libyan Diplomat.A Libyan diplomat has been given 24 hours to leave Bulgaria, the Foreign Ministry in Sofia confirmed on July 25 2011. Ibrahim Alfouirs, was declared persona non grata and ordered to leave Bulgaria under Article 9 of the Vienna Convention.
08h/ Algeria has denied charges that a Libyan ship offloaded weapons for Lbyan leader Muammar Al Qathafi's troops at one of its ports.
Day 125: 24. july 2011.  Libya news

24h/ Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey People of Libya: Please pas this message around. Are you going to allow NATO to break your spirit as a people? NO YOU ARE NOT. NATO is losing this war, that is why NATO is getting desperate. It is what they do, they did it in Serbia, they attacked the electricity grid every single day so maternity hospitals didn't have electricity for incubators and so on. They attacked your water supply because they want to break you then they will colonise you. DO NOT LET THEM. With every attack come together closer. You are a heroic family. Allaaaaaaaahu Akhbar!! Allaaaaaaahu Akhbar!!!!

23h/ Live march of millions
** Abdel Fatah Younis is dead
22h/ "Hello to all. We didn't hear this info long time - about Bengazy and Tobruk.Now i glad to tell all what: "35 % of Tobruk are green and in Bengazy each land fight against gangsters from world So fight continues and Libians win against gangsters from all world, special forces from West and NATO aircrafts and ships."
21h/ While the peacefull march of the millions to liberate the mountain west was near qwaleesh the criminal gangs  opened fire at them which resulted to the death of 2 martyrs from Asabaa.
the people will continue the march at any cost.
21h/ Breaking News: The peaceful tribal march heading towards the western mountains has been attacked by the armed gangs and stroke by NATO in Gawaleesh entrance. The march of the tribes to deliberate the western mountain has started and now we are entering KIKLA , civilians with white flags are aprooaching. Rebels are scared!
20h/ The colonial crusaders, the uk airforce RAF has bombed a place in tripoli that believed that it was leaders house. ( source reuters)
19h/ Mohammed Love Libya
URGENT: over 70 Hummer vehicles and 50 U.S. tanks and more than 200 SUV and eight new varieties their way from Ajdabiya towards the km40 east of Brega but they are spotted by the armed forces the people to fall into the trap the right
18h/ On 23rd July, Libyan army forces easily recaptured city of {Al Qatrun, Al Katrun, Gatrone, or Al Gatrun (القطرون in Arabic) } and continued south towards Al Wigh. Libyan army  Cleaning Libya inch by inch
** In message broadcast on state television on Saturday, Libyan leader Muammar Al Qathafi said that the unrest that has swept the country since a popular uprising erupted mid-February was a "colonial plot." "They lie to you and say, 'Libya kills its people with bullets, that is why we have come to protect civilians'," Al Qathafi said, referring to the NATO air campaign that was mandated by the United Nations with the aim of protecting civilians in Libya.
"Only eight people have been killed and an inquiry is under way to determine who killed them. There are no protests and no gunfire. Show us where the thousands of people (reportedly killed) are buried," Al Qathafi said.
**The Brother Leader Gaddafi  ask Tunisian and Egypt people : “Why did you undertake the revolution? Answer me, why did you undertake the revolution?” Gaddafi said in an audio address to Egyptians on the anniversary of the 1952 coup that ended Egypt’s monarchy and paved the way for the late Gamal Abdel Nasser to take power.“Tunisia and Egypt, what did you accomplish with these revolutions? Substitution of one government regime for another?” asked Gaddafi, who came to power in a 1969 coup inspired by Nasser’s pan-Arab ideals.“After you looted, destroyed and damaged the country, you want a new president?”
* BREAKING NEWS- IMPORTANT- NATO terrorist  are targeting the pipe factory of the Great Man Made River in the city of Brega, where pipes are manufactured to compensate for damaged pipes of the river, THE ONLY SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER and irrigation for  4.5 MILLION the people of Libya!!! IMMINENT HUMANITARIAN DISASTER!!!!! ALERT!!!ALERT!!!!
**NATO war crime: Libya water supply. July 22 2011. A date for humanity to remember. NATO hit the Libyan water supply pipeline. It will take months to repair. Then on Saturday they hit the pipeline factory producing pipes to repair it. Since when is a water pipes factory in al-Brega a legitimate target to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians? Sine when is the water supply pipeline itself a legitimate target?
**Anders Behring Breivik has confessed to the attacks in Norway WANTED ANTI-MUSLIM CRUSADE. The man blamed for attacks on Norway's government headquarters and a youth retreat that left at least 92 dead was motivated by a desire to bring about a revolution in Norwegian society, his lawyer says.
A manifesto that he is believed to have written ranted against Muslim immigration to Europe and vowed revenge on "indigenous Europeans" who he accused of betraying their heritage.
**Explosions rocked the Libyan capital Tripoli early on Sunday. Since NATO took command of air strikes on March 31, its aircraft have conducted 16,281 sorties, including 6,142 strike sorties

*Another war crime: NATO Bombs Libyan Water Pipe by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

  **LONDON -- As speculation mounts that the Libyan conflict is inching closer to an end, oil-industry experts say its production could be held back by insecurity risks, war damage and the waxy texture of its high-quality crude.

**BERLIN - Germany will lend Libya's rebel council 100 million euros for "civil and humanitarian" purposes, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said on Sunday. fter will Libyans pay for everything. DON'T WORRY AFRICA.
** USA Despite its decision to grant diplomatic recognition to Libya’s rebels, the Obama administration is struggling to find ways to provide them with the $34 billion in frozen Libyan assets ( FROM LIBYAN PEOPLE )held in U.S.-controlled bank accounts, officials say.
**NATO planes , have repeatedly bombed civilian targets in Tripoli and Zliten.The exact number of civilian deaths is still unknown.4 rockets hit the hotel where foreign journalists are.In Zliten NATO bombed civilian neighborhoods and civilian institutions.Also they bombed warehouse where the food was,that killed several people.
*Explosions rocked the Tripoli early on Sunday,sending a giant plume of smoke into the air.Libyan state television said NATO air strikes struck the Libyan capital but gave no further details.State television said the NATO strikes early on Saturday had hit civilian and military sites and had wounded several people. NATO again bombed Tripoli today,while people there are waiting for speech of Gaddafi.
**Rebels have lost control of the southwestern oasis town of Qatrun after an attack by Libyan army.
**Asmara, Eritrea: The lies used to justify the NATO war against Libya have surpassed those created to justify the invasion of Iraq. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch both had honest observers on the ground for months following the rebellion in eastern Libya and both have repudiated every major charge used to justify the NATO war on Libya.
Day 126: 23. july 2011. Libya news

15h/ NATO Press Conference: Food Warehouses in Zliten, Libya kinetic military action
* Friday  in Tripoli, the march will raise the larger picture of the Leader Muammar Gaddafi and an area of 1 hectare (ten thousand square meters) and will be linked with some of the media to form the largest flag in the world Big Picture of The Brother Leader Gaddafi
13h/ Algala hospital in Behgnazi  -  crimnal gangs "rebels" or killers  torture black Libyan. 
12h/ OLSO, NORWAY - The 32-year-old Norwegian , the other for attacks in Oslo said to have killed on the fjord and island Utoya about 90 people there, at the police riddle. He should be a right-winger with anti-Islamic views, but have no connection to the extreme right. "He came out of nowhere," said a policeman. “Der 32-jährige Norweger, der bei Anschlägen in Oslo und auf der Fjordinsel Utoya über 90 Menschen getötet haben soll, gibt der Polizei Rätsel auf. Er soll ein Rechter mit islamfeindlichen Ansichten sein, aber keine Verbindung zur rechtsextremen Szene haben. "Er kam aus dem Nichts", sagte ein Polizist.”
11h/  OSLO is in NORWAY, TRIPOLY is in LIBYA - NO CONNECTON.Before they try to link Friday's blast in Oslo with Libya, do not let them get away with any more lies. Do not let NATO shape public opinion with any more nonsensical manipulations of facts so as to whitewash their murderous acts of greed. Before NATO starts using Oslo to accuse Libya, please read this piece.
#Libya: confirmation that NATO air strikes targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure near Zlitan.
#Libya: While their representatives drink wine with French President, NATO-led rebels suffering defeats at hands of local tribesmen.
#Libya: local tribes say they increasingly associate NATO-led rebels with foreign invaders of their homeland and killing of their people.
#Libya: NATO using airstrikes on people of Libya to install a culture of violence among young people everywhere.
cdoebbler curtis doebbler
#Libya: NATO's violence against the people of Libya encourages violence among youth in NATO countries.
#Libya: Al-Jazeera films Qatari weapons arriving in Libya to fuel civil war & help NATO-led rebels kill more fellow Muslim and Arab LIbyans.
#Libya: Benghazi Iman tells Friday NATO-led rebels at Sunday prayers that killing fellow Arab and Muslim Libyans is justified.
08h/ In most cases of USA illegal use of force against other countries the American Society of International Law has remained silent.
cdoebbler curtis doebbler
07h/ Libya: more allegations surface of massive war crimes by NATO-led rebels in areas they controli ncluding rape, arbitrary killings, slavery
07h/ EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
A friend & a warrior, a real leader of men colonel Tariq Eldressy commander of Martyrs of Zawia Brigade was killed in action in Brega
Tariq Eldressy was killed via a rocket attack in late hours of Thursday night on the front lines #Brega.He always lead his men into battle
* On Friday, NATO planes struck a factory near the embattled oil city of Brega on Friday killing six guards, Libyan officials confirmed.
06h/ At least 70 percent of Libyans survive on the water carried through the pipes to the coast in the project.
"This will affect the water Libyans drink and the land Libyans farm," warned government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim. A Libyan official said 6 guards were killed in an airstrike on Friday on a pipeline production plant just south of Brega in eastern Libya.
The spokesman said Libya, after five months of war and a NATO bombing campaign, remained "very powerful we are not falling; we are not falling apart."
"NATO, you are losing, you will lose. The armed gangs - you have no future in the rest of the country. Admit it."
04h/ NATO massively bombed Tripoli last night. More than 6 massive explosions.
One of the goals was Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Gaddafi's headquarters in Bab al-Aziziyah in Tripoli.We have no details about the civilian casualties.
04h/ Italy announces 350 million euro aid package to Libya rebel. Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini :"It's a matter of days and these funds will be transferred to Libya for humanitarian ends. The agreement has already been signed by both parties."
Day 125: 22. july 2011. Libya news

Westren mercenaries - "rebels"  have only on GOD

*** There is nothing left to say.  Sit back and watch NATO bomb a Muslim country during the Holy Month of Ramadan.  Turn on your TV, take out a can of Coca-Cola, eat some popcornor burgers , and watch Muslim women and babies being murdered during the Holy Month of Ramadan.  I have nothing else to say.  I have nothing else to contribute to Mathaba as an article.  All words now are meaningless.

22h/ I AM NOT joking. The U.S. involvement in Libya is the logical outcome of policies, pursued under both Republican and Democratic administrations (Somalia under President George H. W. Bush, Bosnia and Kosovo under President Bill Clinton), in which war was never fully acknowledged to be war, with all the gravity that such an acknowledgment would have implied. Instead, we were told that what was taking place was a so-called humanitarian intervention
21h/ The truth is that doctrines like humanitarian intervention and R2P are ways of waging war without taking responsibility (or accepting accountability, both moral and democratic) for doing so.
*  The apostolic vicar of Tripoli has decried NATO’s “indifference” to proposals for a Ramadan ceasefire in the conflict in Libya.
What amazes me is the indifference of NATO and Europe to the proposed ceasefire for Ramadan,” said Bishop Giovanni Martinelli. “For all the Libyans (for or against Gaddafi) Ramadan is a sacred period, and [this] is a sentiment that should be respected.”

21h/ AMAZING! Red Cross Arming Rebels 
20h/ Monsters make  torture of black man in Benghazi hospital 

19h/ Libya WAR CRIME:  Violation of the 'NO FLY ZONE' 

* Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi ruled out talks with rebels Thursday in the latest of his defiant speeches, this one at a rally in his hometown, Sirte. “There will be no words between us until judgement day, he said in an audio message "They need to talk with the Libyan people ... and they will respond to them." Part of Gaddafi’s Speech on Sirte [21.july 2011.] 

18h/ NATO is preparing to capitulate to Gaddafi
Bombs and missiles of NATO still rattle in the Libyan capital, but it seems that in Brussels are ready to put up the white flag between and admit through the teeth that the four-month war in the... world's of the most powerful military alliance against Muammar Gaddafi has a complete fiasco!!! It remains only to agree on terms of the surrender for the alliance and try to make the conditions of the defeat from Libyan leader had not been altogether too humiliating.

17h/ UNESCO is concerned about reports coming from Libya that this country`s ancient sights are being used as munitions depots. According to UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, the Libyan authorities as well as the opposition forces had been repeatedly informed about sights which are on the World Cultural Heritage List. However, these warnings were ignored.
16h/ Benghazi food – food of salves
16h/ Tripoli, Libya: By Franklin Lamb -  Libyan civilians have learned a thing or two from three decades of Lebanon’s experience with Israel’s five wars against that Levant country. Indeed NATO is using the same bombing, media, political and diplomatic strategy in Libya that Israel employed most recently in Lebanon during its 33 day July 2006 war.
15h/ Nice try-Libya's rebel forces have sent armed and trained operatives to the capital Tripoli to conduct missions against Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi's regime, a Benghazi commander said late Thursday.
14h/ The "rebels" now eye the city of Tawergha, 25 miles away, and vow to cleanse it of all Black people once they seize the city. Isn't this the perfect definition of the term "genocide"?
13h/ A senior Pentagon official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the US Department of Defense is looking at all the possibilities for sending more unmanned aircraft to Libya, The Los Angeles Times reported .
12h/ NATO continues its humanitarian mission: 80 civilians had been hurted by NATO airstrikes on Zliten, 40km east of Tripoli, a food storage was also hit. via @rolandoteleSUR
11h/ Qatar violate Security Council resolution: The ship with munition arrived in Benghazi.
Qatar also have the greatest responsibility for the Libyan civilians who were killed.A single rocket, on average, cost about two million dollars.
10h/ Israel: Libya is new source for smuggled arms to Gaza through Egypt:
Libya has become a new source of smuggled weaponry for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Ya'alon said.
09h/ The U.S., the U.K., Italy and France now say they’re willing to accept an outcome in Libya that would allow Muammar Qaddafi avoid exile or a trial on war crimes charges.
A U.N. peace envoy is suggesting a ceasefire in Libya, to be followed by the immediate creation of a transitional authority made up equally of the government and rebels and excluding Muammar Gaddafi or his sons, a senior European diplomat said.
09h/ CHINA’s President Hu Jintao told President Jacob Zuma  that China will work with the African Union (AU) in finding a solution to the Libyan crisis.
08h/ The United States has followed France in saying Muammar Qadhafi can stay on in Libya following his political exit, amid plans by the opposition to focus on capital Tripoli ahead of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting on the Muslim calendar.
Day 124: 21. july 2011. Libya news

22h/ Many rebels from Western Mountain handed over their weapons to our brave army today

21h/ Massive Rally LIVE from Sirte!!!
 SIRTE NOW! 22th july 2011.
 MISRATAH NOW! 22 july 2011.

13h/ NATO’s Four-Month Bombing Campaign Has Cost Libya $50 Billion
11h/ Russia has sent another load of humanitarian aid to Libya.
A plane of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry is expected to land in Benghazi to deliver 36 tons of cargo, including food supplies. In early July Russia already delivered 72 tons of aid to Libya.
10h/ BENGHAZI, Libya — Libya's rebels asked France for extra arms to help them overrun Tripoli within "days", as they ramped up a pre-Ramadan offensive that has Moamer Kadhafi's troops on the run in the east.
09h/ Dubai telecoms engineers supply Libyan rebels with mobile phone network. The local workers are now running tests and verifying the identities of tens of thousands of SIM card holders in the rebel-held city before turning on the network.
08h/ France suggests Gaddafi can stay in Libya if he quits
08h/ Libya says Gaddafi departure not under discussion
07h/ Rebels take heavy casualties in battle for Brega (Adds White House, NATO chief, French defence minister)
06h/ Lavrov's meeting with the Secretary of the General People's Committee will be held at the request of the Libyan side," an official at the Russian Foreign Ministry told Itar-Tass. "The meeting will be held with  view to putting an end to the bloodshed in Libya and to reaching a political settlement (of the situation) there."

Day 123: 20. july 2011. Libya news
* Libyan tribes, al-Alnoael Ilthmoun Chiaan tribes of the Western encroachment on the mountain to clean from the collaborators and traitors, as the tribes began to gather to march
23h/ Libya's foreign minister denied  there were talks about easing Muammar Gaddafi out of power, but said his government wanted to end the nation's bloody conflict in a way that would satisfy all Libyans.
23h/ NATO bombed the city of Zliten killing several people and wounding several others of varying injuries and the destruction of infrastructure/ Tripoli Nasser 20 2011
The source said that NATO targeted health centers, and a number of service centers, and points of conduct traffic traffic, gas stations in Zliten The military source that a number of people killed and injured a number of other injuries of varying and destroy the infrastructure of this bombardment, which pays the elderly clients Qataris and Emiratis, the price each bomb or missile topples the Crusaders to the Libyans in the aggression, and that the price of each bomb or missile, equal to $ 2 million
22h/ Two explosions and a fire reported in Benghazi near March 28 Stadium, Benghazi Sports City.
22h/ F-16 aircraft crashed on landing from United Arab Emirates in base of Sicily.The pilot was dead. 
* Clashes early hours of the morning near the city of Ajdabiya, the elimination of our valiant 297 to 350 rat and a mercenary, and injured hundreds, as well as approximately 149 families a mercenary and a rat, as well as the elimination of a large rat does not deserve to be named ..
20h/ Since NATO took over command of air strikes on March 31, its aircraft have conducted 15,782 sorties, including 5,942 strike sorties. NATO members participating in air strikes in Libya include France, Britain, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Italy and the United States.
19h/ Seventeen ships under NATO command are patrolling the central Mediterranean Sea to enforce a U.N. arms embargo. On Tuesday, 10 vessels were hailed to determine destination and cargo. Three were boarded but they were not diverted.A total of 1,823 vessels have been hailed, 179 boarded and nine diverted since the start of the arms embargo
18h/ NATO said key targets hit on Tuesday included:
-- Five armed vehicles and one armoured fighting vehicle near Brega;
-- One anti-aircraft gun and two armed vehicles near Misrata;
-- Six surface-to-missile launchers and two armed vehicles near Tripoli;
-- One military storage facility near Waddan;
-- Two command and control nodes, two military storage facilities, three military facilities and two military refuelling areas near Zlitan.
18h/ Nato Secretary Killer Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said that the mission in Libya has been extended for another three months and will continue to be extended for as long as necessary. To kill more and more  Libyans.
 17h/ Adding muscle to their demands for a cease-fire, Libyan officials warned Tuesday that the rebel-controlled eastern half of the country could be cut off from water supplies without a truce to allow for maintenance work on a power plant pumping water up from the desert.
15h/ ICC, WAR CRIME, RAPE OF LIBYA: Commedia dell'artE (part I) -
* LIBYA - The day began march creeps on the mountain west rebels and shivering and crossing balanced full of rebels fleeing to Tunisia ... During the early morning hours has been cleared the first village in the western mountain And began march Tanttalv from everywhere on the mountain west Waiting for good news and hovering flight in the atmosphere could not do something in front of this stream rumbling. Women and children, the elderly and men marched peacefully cleared zanga zanga and with members of the armed people to protect the peaceful march

14h/ Reporting from Ajdabiya, Libya—,0,2078871.story
13h/ Reports are coming in of a vessel carrying weapons, some fabricated in the USA, together with 500 mercenaries, sailing through the Suez Canal towards Libya.
12h/ Sarkozy & co, How many children did you kill this hignt?
* Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi said Tuesday he will not bow under the pressure of NATO air strikes and the rebellion against him, as insurgents sought to consolidate gains on one front and readied to push forward on another. "Millions of people are on my side," Kadhafi said in a speech broadcast over loudspeakers on BIG RALLY  in Al-Aziziya, 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of the capital.
11h/ (FEDERALJACK)   This page is dedicated to exposing the war crimes being committed in Libya by NATO and the NATO backed “rebels” otherwise known as Al-Qaeda.  The pictures, videos, and info are all coming from inside Libya, from refuges, civilians and independent (non-government) aid organizations.  The only goal is to get the truth out about the people we as a country are backing and the real results of NATO’s continued bombing raids on the densely populated cities inside of Libya.
10h/ ATLANTA, USA ( - “I appreciate your coming by. People must speak up. We have an obligation as people to speak up and speak out. We have an obligation to get in the way. I detest war. I hate war. I think war is evil. It's bloody, it's messy and it destroys the hopes, the dreams and aspirations of people,” said the congressman. War is obsolete and not the way to solve the problems human-kind faces, said Rep. Lewis.
09h/ Despite a NATO bombing campaign of more than 6,000 sorties against his forces and military installations, Gaddafi still remains entrenched in the capital Tripoli. Reports from Libya over the past few days indicate the rising tide of massive support for him by his followers, who have attended rallies and demonstrated their preparedness to confront the rebels and their backers.
08h/ Inserting Russia into the middle of the Libyan war gives it an unmistakable advantage in shaping the TNC, and post-Gaddafi Libya more broadly. Moscow (along with Beijing) has a keen interest and now a real possibility to become far more involved in exploiting Libya’s oil and natural gas resources than at present. This opportunity is something Russia could never have achieved on its own. To be handed it by Obama and Clinton, utterly gratuitously, is breathtaking.
07h/ Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says he believes compromise between Libyan rebels and the government is "achievable."  
* ISTANBUL  - China and Russia declined invitations to participate, which leaves lingering doubts on how acceptable any decision from the meeting might be to them and other countries critical of the military campaign or the West’s handling of the conflict.
06h/ In five out of the six countries surveyed, the U.S. was viewed less favorably than Turkey, China, France—or Iran. Far from seeing the U.S. as a leader in the post-Arab Spring environment, the countries surveyed viewed “U.S. interference in the Arab world” as the greatest obstacle to peace and stability in the Middle East, second only to the continued Palestinian occupation.
05h/ The Italian government has blocked an investigation into the whereabouts of a massive consignment of weapons removed from a military depot in the Mediterranean, amid speculation that the cargo was secretly supplied to Libya.
04h/ Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergey Lavrov, is holding talks with the Foreign Minister of Libya, Abdel Ati al-Obeidi, in Tripoli late on Wednesday. Al-Obeidi belongs to the cabinet loyal to embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. The meeting will focus on the situation in Libya, as well as African Union and UN mediation efforts. Earlier this week, Lavrov said Moscow had refused to accept the oppositional Transitional National Council as “the sole legal representative of the Libyan people”. As a mediator, Russia maintains contacts with both Tripoli and Benghazi. 
Day  122:  19. july 2011. Libya news
* Attention!Take just a few easy steps to send e-mails to non-belligerent members on the UN Security Council, calling on them to take a stand against the military intervention and to support and promote a negotiated resolution/peace.
16h/ NATO killers NEWS: Multiple urban areas were bombed simultaneously 17th july 2011. morning. Anywhere from 60 to 75 bombs may have been dropped mostly in the areas of Tajura and Seraj, according to eyewitness reports. video
16h/ The Libyan rebels are the darlings of our media. They are described as seeking a parliamentary style democracy in Libya. Of course I would say the same if I wanted to overthrow my government but needed help from the West to do so. If it helped me gain weapons I would even tell them I want to have McDonalds, sweatshops and access to PlayboyTV in my country.
15h/ Mercenary Mahmoud Shamam reportedly told journalists in Istanbul after the Liya Contact Group announced its recognition of the TNC: "Even the Prophet Mohammed fought during Ramadan. We will continue to fight for our lives(and libyna money nad oil). The most important thing today is the recognition of the TNC as the legitimate voice of the Libyan people." "Pledges have been made that we will receive $700-800 million, but we require something in the region of $3 billion," he said, adding that the first and foremost need of the TNC is, “ funds, funds, funds, " said  mercenary Shamam.
14h/ The Libyan government Monday night denied claims rebel forces had seized control of the key oil refinery town of Brega, saying the city remained under the “full control” of Libyan army
14h/ In an interview with Press TV, Abayomi Azikiwe, an editor of Pan-African News Wire, discusses the current situation in Libya.
13h/ Opinion: And so it proved. Just a week after it was captured in a fierce battle, the village of Qawalish was easily overrun on Wednesday, its defenders killed, wounded or forced to flee.
13h/ Russia and Germany abstained in the March U.N. Security Council vote that authorized military action against Col. Moammar Gadhafi's regime in Libya, but both countries say Gadhafi must give up power and they are determined to help seeking a political solution to overcome the military deadlock on the ground.
12h/ Hoolywood or Disneyland:  US officials "met with regime representatives to deliver a clear and firm message that the only way to move forward is for Gaddafi to step down," the US official of killers  said in Washington on condition of anonymity.
12h/ NATO’s Libya War: Attack Helicopters, Bombers, Predator And Reaper Drones
11h/ ALie Jazeer more  lies. This scene was shot by Al-Jazeera at Al-Owenya showing Rebels forcing themselves on a house where 4 civilian refused to leave their home.
They were supposed to be pro-government forces which they were not, they were only normal civilians and they did not want to leave their home, as they are supporting the government and if they leave, they will be killed. This is exactly what has happened.
122-Day Air War: 15,669 NATO Sorties, Almost 6,000 Strike Missions
10h/ French and English soldiers fighting in Libya are picked up by helicopters constantly.
* ISTANBUL Britain will deploy four extra strike craft to Libya to increase pressure on Moamer Kadhafi's regime, a foreign ministry spokesman said on Friday. "We are putting four more Tornadoes in the theatre to do intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and they will also have a strike capability as well," spokesman of killers Gavin Cook
08h/ Last month, Defence Secretary Liam Fox said Britain's military operation in Libya will cost around £260 million (300 euros million, $419 million)

Day 118- 121: 15.- 18. july 2011.

*GADDAFI AND MANDELA: BROTHER LEADERS: Today, July 18, 2011, is Nelson Mandela’s 93th birthday; Happy Birthday Mr Mandela!
*The United Nations Organization and the international community remember South Africa's historic hero of humanity Nelson Mandela this July 18 but let us also remember the Brother Leader of Libya, Muammar al-Qathafi, whose tremendous help in the fight against apartheid - and not only - made a difference.
*Reason of Hacking is Freedom of Libyan nation, Hackers blaming U.S govt. for that they are killing Libyan for OIL.
* NATO warplanes destroyed the radar antenna at Tripoli International Airport Today. The antenna, which was used for civilian air traffic control. NATO, which has bombed dozens of military radar sites in the four-month war, said the no-fly zone over Libya made it unnecessary to use the radar for civilian purposes.
*We have seen your democracy in Iraq, and we witnessed with great admiration your highest human rights record in Abu Ghraib and Basra. We also remember your highest business standards in the Yamama deal with the Saudis. We know very well you ethics, principles and values especially during the 2010 bombing of Gaza, Mouamar Adul naser tells former British ambassador to Libya.
*Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that his country refused to recognize the rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) as Libya's legitimate government.
*David Cameron and South African president Jacob Zuma have openly disagreed over military intervention in Libya, increasing a divide between western and African states. President Zuma  said the African Union (AU) had laid out a clear roadmap which would end the conflict through negotiation. Western states, including Britain, are insisting that debate about Libya's future only take place after Colonel Gaddafi has stepped down.
*1D4TW Maximilian Forte
Would like to see public statement Even ONE by "rebels" expressing grief for lives lost to Civilian # NATO bombing in # Libya , not Denials
*Meet Bernard Henri Levy, sinister stand up Philisopher and war monger: the man who began the war on Libya,Irak, Serbia and managed to get the robot armies of NATO moving
*NATO is a terrorist organization. Originally created to check the spread of Soviet Communism into Western Europe, this European organization has now reinvented itself as an enforcer and defender of White supremacy. On a global crusade, NATO brutally enforces neo-colonialism worldwide under the guise of ‘spreading democracy’ and ‘humanitarian intervention’.
*Multiple urban areas were bombed simultaneously this morning. Anywhere from 60 to 75 bombs may have been dropped mostly in the areas of Tajura and Seraj, according to eyewitness reports.
*"What is called public uprising of the free-loving people are actually coup attempts staged by the Western nations...
"NATO keeps lying at every stage, which is surprising, because during the war in Kosovo NATO would normally lie only to conceal its mistakes. This time it's being done not to conceal the mistakes, but to conceal the strategy
*CARACAS: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Thursday sent a message of support to embattled Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, urging him to resist and calling on European nations to worry about their own domestic issues.
*A shocking instance where a crime had been committed by the rebels surfaced hours before HRW rolled out its sensational findings. In the zone between the Um al-Jersan and Qawalish villages, five bodies decomposed beyond recognition were unearthed from a deep concrete basin linked to the region's water pipeline, with cloth bindings scattered around, which provides evidence that the people had had their arms and legs bound.
*Zintan, Libya (CNN) -- Libyan rebels have looted and burned homes and abused civilians, a human rights group said Wednesday.  The New York-based Human Rights Watch said that, in "four towns captured by rebels in the Nafusa Mountains over the past month, rebel fighters and supporters have damaged property, burned some homes, looted from hospitals, homes, and shops, and beaten some individuals alleged to have supported government forces."
*July 18 (Bloomberg) -- The oil tanker Nord Nightingale carried a cargo of gasoil, a fuel used for heating or refined into diesel, to the rebel-held port of Benghazi in Libya, said the company operating the vessel. The shipment is at least the second this month, according to data gathered by Bloomberg. The tanker Delos arrived at Benghazi July 8 to unload 30,000 tons of gasoline, after which it delivered 8,000 tons to Tobruk
*Tunisian food exports to Libya, since the outbreak, on February 17, 2011, of the armed conflict, went up fourfold, rising from 53.1 million dinars (MTD), during the first four months of the current year, to 192.2 MTD, in the first half of 2011.
*On Friday Dictator  Obama administration at last announced that the United States will now recognize the Transitional National Council as the legitimate government of Libya. This was the right thing to do. It helps make available an estimated $30 billion in frozen assets OF LIBYAN PEOPLE  for the Libyan rebels, and will help bolster international support for the TNC NAD Al Qaeda  to kill more Libyans.
*Moussa Ibrahim,yesterday:
"We will die because of oil.We are ready to die for our oil.We are prepared to kill every one who is closer to our oil,rebels or NATO.We will defend our oil to the last drop of blood."
 Day 117 : 14. july 2011.

*#Libia. #Tripoli. Breaking #News #Alzintan is Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , our #army controlled it .
*رساله الطفله خالده الخويلدي A message from the martyr Khalida Khualdi Subtitles الشهيده
*The Libyan rebels are the darlings of our media. They are described as seeking a parliamentary style democracy in Libya. Of course I would say the same if I wanted to overthrow my government but needed help from the West to do so. If it helped me gain weapons I would even tell them I want to have McDonalds, sweatshops and access to PlayboyTV in my country.
*Libyan Prime Minister said yesterday that Gaddafi will not participate in the proposed talks.A prerequisite for any dialogue is the suspension of the bombing.
So when you see on BBC,CNN and others - "Gaddafi willing to go",DO NOT believe in such lies !
*A doctor with the rebels, who was arrested by Libyan authorities said that the children had been taken to Italy and France, Sharif added.53 young girls and 52 boys were kidnapped from the Misrata Orphanage
*Libyan prosecutor general Mohamed Zekri Mahjubi told foreign journalists in Tripoli he was seeking to prosecute NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen in Libyan courts for "war crimes"
*On July 10, France seemingly allied itself with Russia and China in calling on Nato to immediately stop its counterproductive and counterintuitive bombing, as more countries witness public demonstrations against Nato’s actions in Libya.
*UNITED NATIONS -- Negotiations on a political solution to conflict in Libya are under way, though talks are "a considerable distance" from a breakthrough, a U.N. official said.
*WASHINGTON -- Dictator Barack Obama told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Wednesday he supports Moscow's mediation efforts on the Libyan conflict, but on the conditions that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi must step down.
*"We can, and have, planned for operations such as those we are undertaking but no one can predict how long a complex intervention will take," Dr Fox told an assembly of top ranking RAF officers during an Air Power conference at the Royal United Services Institute.
He admitted that sustaining the high tempo of air strikes both from RAF Tornado and Typhoons, as well as Navy warships and Army Apaches attack helicopters did "increase the pressure on both personnel and equipment as planning assumptions are tested, and it tests the ability of defence companies to support front-line operations".
*On Wednesday, the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg) recognised the rebel council, and TNC leader Mahmud Jibril was due to meet with European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso.
*Canada has committed seven fighter jets to the NATO mission along with two air refuellers, two surveillance aircraft and a frigate. In all, more than 600 Canadian Forces personnel are involved in the mission, including Canadian Lt.-Gen. Charles Bouchard who is leading the NATO operation.
*Russia will not send envoys to the Libya Contact Group meeting to be held in two days' time in Istanbul. "We are not part of that group, we do not take part in their activities" it points out "and this also goes for the imminent meeting in Istanbul".The meeting to be held in Istanbul on 15 July will be the fourth meeting of the Libya Contact Group, after the ones held in Doha on 13 April, Rome on 5 May and Abu Dhabi on 9 June.
*QAWALISH, Libya —Legly Libyna army counterattacked and briefly recaptured this front-line town from rebels forces
*In the space of roughly two weeks, Mr. Lévy managed to get a fledgling Libyan opposition group a hearing from the president of France and the American secretary of state, a process that has led both countries and NATO into waging war against the forces of the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.

Day 116 : 13. july 2011.

* A fresh report from Tripoli on the mood and situation on the ground. Franklin Lamb is a well known International lawyer who provides regular updates from the Arab world.
BREAKING NEWS: Big Marsh in this week In Al Aljelat Thursday , Friday in Zliten , Saturday in AlZawyia city
15h/ AL-QAWALISH, Libya – Forces Legaly Libyan Army  appeared to have launched an offensive on Wednesday to retake the frontline village of al-Qawalish seized by rebels last week.
15h/ "In four towns captured by rebels in the Nafusa Mountains over the past month, rebel fighters and supporters have damaged property, burned some homes, looted from hospitals, homes, and shops, and beaten some individuals alleged to have supported government forces," said HRW.
14h/ ZINTAN, Libya — Rebels in the mountains in Libya’s west have looted and damaged four towns seized since last month from the forces of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, part of a series of abuses and apparent reprisals against suspected loyalists that have chased residents of these towns away, Human Rights Watch said Tuesday.
13h/ The BBC, an Orwellian government owned propaganda machine, paid for out of the slave wage taxes of the British people to ensure they are kept enslaved
12h/ Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov says there is no place for Gaddafi in the future Libya. The statement was made in an interview to the Voice of Russia during Lavrov’s visit to Washington. But WHO ASK YOU?!? what is about Libyans?!?
11h/ As someone with a deep attachment to Libya, the land where I was raised and whose people I love and care deeply for, I re-affirm my support for Qaddafi and the Libyan revolution and my unwavering opposition to imperialism and its invasion bandwagon. I urge all people of good conscience of whatever political stripe, color, creed or nationality to join me in resisting imperialism and its designs on Libya, the Arabs and all others.
10h/ Valletta. Two French military aircraft taking part in NATO-led operations against Moamer Kadhafi's regime in Libya had to make emergency landings in Malta on Tuesday, civil aviation authorities said.
09h/ The only change to the Libyan government will come from within, and it will not be the change France is looking for, but the Youth of the World
08h/ What are the reasons why the US government and its current President Barack Obama and his cabinet, are so vehement in their insistence that Libyan leader Mu'ammar el-Qaddafi "must go"?
07h/  Gaddafi's emissaries set the conditions for a ceasefire. Libyan leader asks to remain in Libya, to consider withdrawing the indictment of the International Criminal Court. West believes that Gaddafi's proposals are not serious.
06h/ Australia is showing its support for Libya's rebels, backing up its recognition of their leadership by sending a delegation to Benghazi, led by the deputy secretary of the Foreign Affairs Department.
05h/ The Italy-Libya treaty of friendship, partnership and cooperation agreement was signed August 30, 2008. The Treaty also states that on August 30 2011., the anniversary of the signing, is designated as the "Italian-Libyan Friendship Day".

04h/ France risked opening a significant split within Nato over the war in Libya yesterday by calling for negotiations with Colonel Gaddafi and confirming it was "passing messages" to his regime. 

Day 115 : 12. july 2011. 

22h/ Two French military aircraft taking part in NATO-led operations against Gaddafi in Libya had to make emergency landings in Malta on Tuesday, civil aviation authorities said.A tyre on one of the planes burst as it touched down on the runway with emergency service vehicles standing by. Sources said the planes were armed.

20h/ Libyan Prime Minister said that Gaddafi will not participate in the proposed talks.A prerequisite for any dialogue is the suspension of the bombing. Libyan Prime Minister Baghdadi al-Mahmudi,today:
“We simply want a stop to the bombardments so that one can talk in a serene atmosphere,” he said. “We cannot talk as bombs rain down.”
20h/ Libyan officials warned Tuesday that the rebel-controlled eastern half of the country could be cut off from water supplies without a truce to allow for maintenance work on a power plant pumping water up from the desert.
19h/ Paris - Lawmakers here on Tuesday re-authorized France’s participation in the NATO-led bombing operations in Libya that have been targeting the military forces of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.The lower house voted 482-27 in favor of continuing operations, with seven abstentions.
18h/ NATO suggested  that it would be willing to stop bombing Libya during Ramadan, if Moammar Gadhafi's forces also honored a cease-fire during the Muslim holy month.
18h/ In last 24 hours,more than 10 rebels got killed,and more than 30 wounded in Misurata.
 *After 114 days of non-stop bombing, Tripoli celebrates the first day of victory over NATO as the white terrorists have realised that they cannot kill Muammar Qaddafi
18h/ Killing Gaddafi's Grandbabies. Americans, who consume packaged lies like hot dogs, and then revere these items of consumption as sacred culture (as “American” as hot dogs), have been ready to kill Gaddafi’s sons ever since Saddam’s sons Uday and Qusay were gunned down in 2003
17h/ A series of very strange, short `news` articles appeared in various media publications in China, without comment
16h/ "What worries us is not who is giving what," AU Commission chairman Juan Ping Ping said last week."It is simply that these weapons are being given by all parties to all the other parties. These weapons are already reaching Al-Qaeda, drug dealers and traffickers. They will be used to destabilise African states and to kidnap tourists for whom you pay ransom."
15h/ Western empire admits NATO in complete disarray and division as Gaddafi and Libya march to victory!

15h/ Libya air war has failed and should stop, says France. France appeared to be getting cold feet over the Libya mission today as its defence minister said that British and French air attacks on the Gaddafi regime had failed and should cease.

14h/ One of the jokes heard at this week’s massive pro-government Friday post-prayer rally at Green Square—in most of the other Arab countries Fridays are days of rage against the government du jour, but in Libya, Friday prayers are followed by massive pro-Qadaffi rallies, attended two weeks ago by close to 65% of Tripoli’s population—is about how each morning Libya’s leader, following early morning Fajr prayers, dons his formal uniform, complete with those huge epaulets, and salutes the small NATO flag he tapes to his bathroom mirror as he moves from place to place dodging NATO drones and assassins. -> 

13h/ The United Nation's special envoy for Libya, Abdul Elah Al-Khatib, has called on both sides in the conflict to engage in direct negotiations. Al-Khatib made the remarks after a briefing at the UN Security Council in New York.
He said, "I'm urging the parties to increase their focus on working towards a political solution. We would like to see indirect negotiations evolve into direct ones.
12h/ In the Western Mountains region southwest of Tripoli, rebels again came under fire from Legaly Libyan Army
11h/ In the skies above Libya, the U.S. Navy has been deploying a small fleet of supersonic EA-18 Growler jets to "jam" Muammar Al Qathafi's ground radar, giving NATO fighters and bombers free rein to strike tanks, communication depots and other strategic targets.
10h/ A son of the Libyan leader, Seif al-Islam, told Algerian newspaper El Khabar in an interview on Monday that Al Qathafi's government was in talks with the French government.
Speaking from Tripoli, he was quoted by the newspaper as saying, "The truth is that we are negotiating with France and not with the rebels."
09h/ "Dictator Obama thanked President Medvedev for Russia's efforts at mediation in Libya, emphasising that the United States is prepared to support negotiations that lead to a democratic transition in Libya as long as Gaddafi steps aside."
08h/ Russia has advocated the African Union take a leading role in the negotiations and Medvedev's personal envoy Mikhail Margelov held talks in Libya with both representatives of the rebels and the Libyan Leader  Gaddafi  last month.
07h/ French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe confirmed on Tuesday contacts with the Libyan government to negotiate terms of Libyn Leader Muammar Gaddafi's leave, a local radio reported. "Effectively there are contacts but not a real negotiation," the minister told France Info.
07h/ French Defense Minister Gerard Longuet urged Libyan rebels to hold talks with Legaly Libyan Army , citing the talks as an ultimate condition to end foreign military operations in the North African country
Day 114 : 11. july 2011.
NATO’s Libyan War: 14,672 Sorties, 5,539 Strike Missions
22h/ On the morning of the 10th July 2011, a convoy of journalists set off from the Rixos hotel in Tripoli to the Gharyan area that lies in the Western Mountains.
The journalists got a chance to witness the normality in life in that area which is close to the rebel front line in the Western Mountains, in a solid show of defiance of support for Colonel Muammer Al-Gadaffi and to dis-spell any rumors that area is likely to fall into the hands of the rebels any time soon.
20h/ South African trade unions have come out strongly against NATO's role in the Libyan crisis. They voiced support for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and his people, and condemned NATO's military intervention in Africa. ->
18h/ Italian aircraft carrier Garibaldi Thousand Withdraws Military of Libya to Save 114 Million Dollars.
16h/ IMPORTANT!Some more pictures about what’s happening in Libya. As the western mass media are unwilling to tell the truth about NATO’s predatory war of aggression against Libya, former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney traveled to Libya and brought home some pictures.
14h/ History will judge NATO harshly for  its crimes. Hopefully the citizens of every NATO member states will work to end its mission so as to protect the civilian population of Libya.Franklin Lamb is doing research in Libya and can be reached c/o  read more
14h/  by Timothy Analysing the speech of Muammar al-Qathafi last Friday to the packed crowd in Tripoli, we can see how the Libyan Brother Leader thinks.
* Global Research associate Mahdi Nazemroaya joins us from Tripoli where he is on a fact-finding mission to find out what is really happening in Libya and what the real effects of the NATO-led rebellion really is for people on the ground.
14h/ Yet, more than three months into the Nato offensive, Gaddafi remains as resolutely in power in Tripoli today as he was when the first bombs were dropped in March. In recent days, we have seen the extent of the support he continues to enjoy when thousands of his own supporters turned out in Tripoli to hear an address by the Libyan leader.
14h/ But in a rare organised trip to Libya's Nefusa mountain range, about 50 miles south of Tripoli, it is clear that the government and its militia are preparing to defend Gharyan. (read more) 
13h/ With Canada's combat mission in Afghanistan all but over, involvement in Libya shows no signs of petering out as the country's second Libya-bound warship left Victoria.
13h/ RIYADH: Regional developments including the political unrest in Syria, which shares an 850-km border with Turkey, topped the agenda of talks Sunday in Jeddah between Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal and his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu.
13h/ The Royal Air Force is to get 2,000lb "bunker busting" bombs to boost its mission in Libya. The Ministry of Killing said the Enhanced Paveway III bombs were capable of penetrating the roofs of reinforced buildings.
12h/ AMERICA'S MAYORS want every-one to know that wars in distant lands have taken a severe toll on their cities, and they welcome efforts to bring the troops home, where they would prefer to see Americans' tax dollars spent.
11h/ ADDIS ABABA France vowed  it would work with the African Union to find "political solutions" to the Libya crisis, but insisted that the ouster of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi was a "key point". 
11h/ France recognized the failure of military operations in Libya. French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet told local television on Sunday that it was time for both sides to sit round a table to reach a political compromise.
* Head of the Government of Libya Baghdadi Mahmoudi announced the air strikes of NATO's civilian infrastructure in the cities of Libya, which killed civilians.
08h/ IMPORTANT! Scenes from Qawalish, Libya.  Bryan Denton and I were in the town within minutes after it fell, we returned the day after and we returned again today. During this time the town was solely under rebel control. And during this time it has been looted extensively, including by armed men we observed in rebel attire and in vehicles bearing rebel stickers or flags. During this same time, many houses have been burned. We have been unable to locate a single civilian in the town.  SPANISH LANGUAGE



Libya news [backup libyasos] 06. july - 11. july 2011. ->

Libya news [backup libyasos] 03. july - 05. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 01. july - 2. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 25 jun - 30 jun 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 04 jun - 24 jun 2011.->