
Jun 14, 2011


Oh wait, Libya is a country comprised of human beings, darn, I almost forgot.
   OTAN killed inocent civilinas: The youngest son of our great leader Saif Al- Arab Gaddafi was only 29 years old, grandchildren of our Great Leader, Saif Mohammed Muammar Gaddafi was one year and 3 months (born on 30 January 2010) , Carthage Hannibal Muammar Gaddafi was 2 years and 9 months old (born on 2 August 2008) and Mastura Humaid (daughter of Aisha) was 4 months and half (she was born on 15 December 2010). /30.04.2011.
  Oh wait, Libya is a country comprised of human beings, darn, I almost forgot.

Shattered glass litters the carpet at the Libyan Down's Syndrome Society, and dust covers pictures of grinning children that adorn the hallway, thrown into darkness by a NATO strike early on Saturday. NATO, which lost its entire reason for being  -  now bombed the buildings that housed 
the Libyan Down's Syndrome Society.
     by Николай Сологубовский from Tripoly

Who would have guessed that there was a Libyan Down's Syndrome Society in Libya, I mean with Gaddafi as their leader and all. Oh wait, Libya is a country comprised of human beings, darn, I almost forgot. True, Gaddafi is a cartoon character bigger than life, he looks and talks funny by American standards with his long hair and strange clothes. The press has been gushing about how evil Gaddafi is and in truth he has done some heinous things though they pale in comparison to the United States and its tag along rump riders in Europe. 

Attack by Nato killed 11 imams and 45 wounded Muslim holy menThe Libyan
   All the propaganda that's fit to print via rags like the NYT is aimed at covering up that we are waging war against civilians, once again. War is war, it's not humanitarian, it rarely does what everyone expects so the consequences always seem to come as a surprise to the pro-war crowd who usually just shrug the consequences off while telling themselves it's all worth it. In the end the pro war crowd whether liberal or conservative care little about the collateral damage as they call it and tend to ignore the piles of bodies that keep growing. In this case no children were hurt but that was only by chance. 
The oxygen plant in the coastal area in northern Tripoli was bombed by NATO
     Today we are witnesses of a fundamental destruction of one country! Destruction of the lives of children and all people of Libya, destruction of everything which was created by its people for decades.
Children, people, hospitals, schools, libraries, factories, airports, ports ... are burning under a carpet of bombs which are being thrown by NATO monsters for more than two months.
This destruction is happening right in front of our eyes, conducted under the guise of false concern for human rights, defended (in some weird logic) with bombs and depleted uranium. Interest! Interest! Interest! and greed are the basis for all the crimes made by US-NATO alliance.
NATO Bombed Libya's Nasser University (mid-day)
Oh wait, Libya is a country comprised of human beings, darn, I almost forgot.
Today: NATO refused to say Tuesday whether or not it would bomb ancient Roman ruins in Libya ...The alliance could not verify rebel claims that Libya's leader may be hiding rocket launchers at the UNESCO World Heritage site of Leptis Magna, a Roman city between the capital Tripoli and rebel-held Misrata.
