
Jun 29, 2011

Russian preparing marine "Caravan of Peace" to Tripoli

   On June 28, RIA Novosti (Russian Informational news Agency) held press conference of representatives of Russian non-governmental organizations, preparing to send a large shipment of humanitarian aid to Libya. The civilian population of Libya became a victim of economic sanctions imposed on this country and NATO bombing.

    LL.D. Sergei Baburin -  Focusing on the work of the committee set up in May (pickets, rallies, delegation to Libya, coordination of actions with organizations in other countries,work with media), chairman of the committee noted that now the primary task is to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Libya. Not to those who embezzled this name with help of their Western backers, but to real people of Libya, who suffer from the NATO bombing.
   Chairman of the Committee of Solidarity with the peoples of Libya and Syria, told reporters about a letter to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin from the union of Libyan doctors with a request for urgent humanitarian assistance. The letter was given to delegation of Committee in Tripoli and will be delivered to the addressee.
      Eugene Sandro, who had just returned from Libya, was speaking as eyewitness. He spoke about the huge lines for petrol, which are languishing women and children: "The eastern part of Libya's is supplied with gasoline continuously. In hospitals I have been shown empty shelves - lack of antibiotics, even bandages. Lines for bread. There is enough flour, but no gas to bake bread. There is not enough baby food. All these are effects of a naval blockade. All this - gasoline and medicines are exempt from the prohibition of the UN. We must provide humanitarian assistance to suffering people. But even a word of truth can help. "
     Professor Marat Musin: "Shortly after our meeting, NATO stuck new university buildings. Before this outraged students showed me other ruined classrooms. In the hospital I saw a 2nd-year student of University Faculty of Economics, whose leg was torn by American rocket. The guy jumped out of the house and came under fire, 18 rockets in 25 minutes...
    The humanitarian disaster triggered by NATO bombers: no drugs, no gasoline. But the strongest indignation is raising by lies in the media. Lies in conjunction with NATO bombs. We ourselves have been there in 2008 (Russian-Georgian conflict). June 12 all the major news agencies reported of fighting in Al-Zawiya. We sent there a film crew of REN-TV. The peaceful town, mothers with babies in their arms, children are riding bikes, yawning policemen. People can not believe that is possible to lie like that! In addition, the position of leader, as they say, until recently was: "we do not commit those crimes in which we are accused, we are right and should not make excuses ...."
    Publicist Nicholas Sologubovsky, author or articles and films about Libya, told about his visit to Tripoli, about children, victims of NATO aggression. "The eyes of a girl, holding a portrait of Qaddafi, standing near the Children's Center, bombed by NATO... She asked me, « Why bombs? ». What could I explain to her? When all the "world community", according to Western agencies, is on the side of the NATO alliance, which claims that "humane NATO pilots perform a humane mission for the united humane protection of the civilian population of Libya."
Information about the "Caravan of Peace":

The link to press conference at RIA "Novosti":

Press Service of the Russian Committee of Solidarity with the peoples of Libya and Syria