
Jun 17, 2011


)    OTAN bombed this crying baby...

 ... the shrapnel from the bomb has cut off babies hand up to the shoulder , doctors are trying to stitch it back! R2P (Responsibility to protect ?!?) Or is the NATO still following the path of the very influential ex-general of the US army Wesley Clark, who set up a strategy in bombing of Serbia (1999), a criminal but very effective strategy called INTIMIDATION OF CIVILIANS by bombing random civilian objects. General Wesley Clark's strategy which was used in order to scare the people from siding with the leader (which USA wants Out)
Mankind is blind to the crimes by Alliance.  Crimes against mankind!

    A final question to Cameron, OILbama and Sarkozy: How would you feel if your kids and grandchildren were murdered in cold bloody by a terrorist? Apparently, you couldn't care less...