
Jun 7, 2011

LONG LIVE AFRICAN LION ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLONEL ! عيد ميلاد سعيد للزعيم للثورة، وأتمنى له الصحة الجيدة والقوة والنصر

Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others.


Silvio Berlusconi kissing Gaddafi's hand

Colonel Muammar Al Gaddafi in LIBYA 14. April 2011.
The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.


Heroic heart is always a winner!


A hero is someone we can admire without apology.


One man with courage is a majority !

"There are many around the world who love him and admire his courage and fortitude, including a group of women on facebook
"2011 "HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLONEL Muammar al Gaddafi" 07 June 1942"
who offered him photo gift with thehr names"  (source: Mathaba)

 Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bolivia,Brazil, Bulgaria, Cuba, Chile, Cyprys, Cameron, Canada, Cape Verde, Chad,  Equador, Egypt, Georgia, Etioplia, Estonia, Jordan, Lebanon, Latvia,Kenya,  Macedonia, Moldova, Mexico, Montenegro, Namibia, Nigeria, Ireland, Romania, Slovakia, Spein, Somalia, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, ... Zimbabwe

The Brother Leader Gaddafi speach Today 07.06.2011 on phone