
Jun 25, 2011

Amnesty International Official: No Evidence of ‘Mass Rape’ in Libya

In an interview with the French daily Libération, Amnesty International official Donatella Rovera has cast doubt on widely-publicized charges that Libyan government troops loyal to Muammar al-Gaddafi (Libyan army) have engaged in mass rape or even used rape as a “weapon of war.” Asked about the charges, Rovera replied:
We have not found cases of rape, which does not mean that there have not been any, but, nonetheless, it is problematic. Not only have we not met any victims, but we have not even met any persons who have met victims. As for the boxes of Viagra that Gaddafi is supposed to have had distributed, they were found intact near tanks that were completely burnt out.

The mass rape charges have been invoked by American Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, and, most recently, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The related “Viagra” story appears to have been first publicized by Al-Jazeera. (See the March 27 Al-Jazeera report here.)
Who still beleiveto Al Jazeera? 
OH yes ICC! 
For ICC and Moreno-Ocampo Al Jazeera is great source! 
Prosecutor’s Application Pursuant to Article 58 as to Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar GADDAFI, Saif AlIslam GADDAFI and Abdullah ALSENUSSI
 source for ICC?!?
"24  Al Jazeera??!, “Inside Gaddafi’s inner circle”, 27 February 2011, LBY-OTP-0005-1135; REDACTED.
25  BBC News?!, “Libya revolt as it happened: Tuesday”, 2 March 2011, LBY-OTP-0005-1176.
26  REDACTED; The Guardian?!, "Libyan fixer's visit to London may show Gaddafi's sons want a way out", 31
March 2011, LBY-OTP-0005-1293; The Libya Freedom, “Abdullah al Senoussi calling on his followers to
quash the current rebellion in the East”, LBY-OTP-0007-0726 (English Transcript of Excerpts: LBY-OTP-0008-0070)
3 Xinhua News Service?!, “Backgrounder: Profile of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi”, March 20, 2011, LBY-OTP-0007-0062."

see also  Viagra, condoms and Susan Rice